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oppositional, utopian, and completely without innocence

i'm gonna come back to like 5k favorites or something oh no

thing doer respectfully unfavorited after realizing this isn't just a matrix meme and is something mad fruity


@larsfrommars @whitequark recently, the harddrive on my laptop went 100% full. As a result something in the element desktop client snapped and when I resolved the space problem, I needed to re-login to element. All my old messages are gone. And for some reason they can't be restored, not even from different sessions that still display the messages fine. I have not found a way to fix this. I hate this so much.

Luna Lactea

@claudius @larsfrommars @whitequark Export keys from another session & import to that session, you should be able to decrypt all of the old messages instantly as they're redownloaded. Any messages that are no longer stored on the homeserver will not be able to be redownloaded though. It might be worth completely exporting chatroom logs from another session just to have a backup that you can look at later if you feel like it.


@jackemled if you're talking about this restore, that was the first thing I tried. It does nothing.


@jackemled I am not sure if I tried this other one yet, though.


@jackemled okay this second one worked. Thank you for mentioning it! I don't know why I only tried the first one.


@jackemled after a short while of CPU fan going crazy I can now see all the old messages once more! Thank you!

Luna Lactea

@claudius Yeah! That was what I meant. I had to do it too recently.

Gersonzao if you have a backup session, it's possible that you can recover your keys from it, you can find the feature to do that under Settings > Security & Privacy
(attachment is a SchildiChat screenshot but it should be similar to Element)

if I was you I'd just use the web client because the 'desktop' client is just a wrapper to the web client and most likely uses more ram than if you used the web client, especially when you have a web browser and the desktop client open at the same time, but I'm not sure why you use the desktop client... if you have a backup session, it's possible that you can recover your keys from it, you can find the feature to do that under Settings > Security & Privacy
(attachment is a SchildiChat screenshot but it should be similar to Element)

if I was you I'd just use the web client because the 'desktop' client is just a wrapper to the web client and most likely uses more ram than if you used the web client, especially when you have a web browser and the desktop client open at the...


🔑 Unable to decrypt message


@larsfrommars Yeah…that just happened and I’m still sore about it. All of this could have been avoided if I just backed up my security keys instead of putting it off like an idiot. (Un)Fortunately, we still have Discord as backup communications, so all is not lost.

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