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oppositional, utopian, and completely without innocence

reasons that traditional social media sites get shut down
- we're out of money
- we want more money
- someone else wants our money
reasons that fedi instances get shut down
- harry potter video game
- someone lost the one flash drive all the data was on
- The Taliban

Ret the Folf

@larsfrommars don't forget "insane wannabe tony stark bought us" for the first group too.


@ret @larsfrommars I don't know if many people here know what happened to the freenode IRC network, but does ”taken over by a wannabe Korean prince“ count?

Triss (the t stands for tired)

@ret @larsfrommars fun fact! that's also what happened to a mastodon instance

( and admin'ed by a tony stark larper. they shut down the former when biden won the US elections)

Croom (regular name)

@larsfrommars - dog jumped up on me so I was too tired to remember to not be racist

Croom (regular name)

@larsfrommars - admin chose to die on the hill of not banning irl friend who confessed in so many words to committing sexual assault


@larsfrommars - transwoman thought itd be fun to learn about containers but then the free azure credits ran out and the first bill showed up


@nutsling @larsfrommars *implying that cis man can do such things*

Garden Punk

@FlorianTischner @larsfrommars Yeah, I missed that one too, and I've been on here for a minute.


@FlorianTischner @larsfrommars was running on the .af domain and that had been up in the air until this year where the Taliban formally became the government of Afghanistan.

Which meant the server payments were going to them, so shut down


@larsfrommars Today everyone wants to take your just to put your own pictures on the internet, to write your own thoughts, or to promote your small , but no one guarantees your popularity, visibility or :D

Kern 🏳️‍🌈 still thinking about that time the FBI raided kolektiva

#Guigui 🇫🇷:flag_ay:

- (from that one time I tried making a fediverse instance) the pc that hosted the instance cannot handle federation that well and started overheating


@larsfrommars for that one instance:
- it was too cloudy out

just a rock

@larsfrommars Someone lost the flash drive all the data was on? Harry Potter video game? I need to hear the stories.


@just_a_rock @larsfrommars In re : the HP video game thing, it was and there’s a fairly good quick overview at that gives all the relevant details, with appropriate commentary that doesn’t get too into the weeds.


@larsfrommars To be fair, this is a LOT more fun to watch.

StellaFoxxie :spinny_fox_nb:​

@larsfrommars you forgot about the FBI stealing server equipment, although i can't remember if that actually killed the server for good

Parker Banks
- I do upgrades without backups in hopes it'll break and die.
HoldMyType- main :: [Response]

@larsfrommars archived toots can be self hosted, downloaded and pushed to another instance. I guess?

TL Jordan

@larsfrommars I used to belong to the instance that was ended by the harry potter video game. It was beautiful right up until that. I blame JKR.

Hippo 🦀🦀

@larsfrommars the fedi ones are are such wholesome reasons 😂

Even if it's the whole Harry Potter thing (which I only just learnt about in the comments) or Taliban something—okay, it's random and/or outrageous and/or avoidable. But so probably were the money stuff related shutdowns; we just don't talk about them because they're boring

pancakes :verified_blob_cat:

@larsfrommars I completely forgot it was because of Hogwarts legacy what a moment


How did the Taliban contribute to an instance shutting down?

B. Coli

@viq @larsfrommars There's an instance called which is worried their TLD (.af as in afghanistan) can get shutdown

Evelynn Pareidolia :heart_trans: they got control of the .af domain if i remember right and the owner didn't want to fund then. So the instance got shut down.


@larsfrommars i was on an instance once that got accidentally deleted when cleaning files.

(it was still in someones trash can, so after someone figured out how to reach them it was put back up)

the real lebron
@larsfrommars a doctored fake picture of The Last Of Us pre release leak
- it's time to migrate my instance to my newly-bought domain

@larsfrommars i like how everyone is talking about magic wizard video game by old english woman than the fucking taliban

Richard Barrell

@larsfrommars the Taliban one makes so much more sense to me than the flash drive thing

soap what the hell happened with the taliban when i was gone


@larsfrommars what use is the american imperial order if it can't even protect fedi from the Taliban smh smh

The other Sinclair-Speccy

@larsfrommars I need context for “someone lost the one flash drive all the data was on” 🧐


@larsfrommars Is that thumb drive one real? I missed that.

argv minus one


Ahhhh, the wacky drama of the early Internet. That's a breath of fresh air after years of rich guys getting richer.

aliceif that time the instance I was on died because of no electricity at the admin's place for months after a flooding disaster in Australia

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