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78 posts total
Mark A. Rayner

@MrLovenstein β€œYou always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you.” -Marcus Aurelius

pang pang trululu trululu

@MrLovenstein I have to confess, those last 3 months, I really did not follow this advice at all.


@MrLovenstein There's a sort of irony to posting this when you think about it

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The most notorious example for me is Spanish cinema, it’s like they’re rapid-fire whispering, then suddenly they burst out screaming. No middle ground. And just what the hell are film sound editors and mixers in Spain smoking, to think that this is the proper way to mix a film’s audio?


@MrLovenstein So true. Fuck you #youtube. You're at least as bad as the worst TV show for audio balance.

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@MrLovenstein I'm in that comic (particularly the secret panel 😭) and I don't like it. But mostly, my plants don't like it.πŸŒ±πŸ’€


@MrLovenstein I can relate to that. Or rather my poor plant friends.


🎢Drowning in my pot!
These roots, they will not heal!🎢

Michael Critz

@MrLovenstein Life hasn’t been the same since they added β€œconfront reality’ as an Olympic sport.

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Wouter "wouter215" Minten

@MrLovenstein This makes me want to spin up a Mastodon instance filled exclusively with different LLM-AI bots & image generators all responding to each other.


@MrLovenstein even if they can generate comics, I'm sure it wouldn't feel the same. Thank you!

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