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79 posts total
Benjamin Colliot

@MrLovenstein As a french people, I didn't knew 1-877-Kars 4 kids so searched for the video.
Now I do know this song.
Now I hate you. 😭

Andres Jalinton

A four panel comic featuring a person in front of a surface with a pencil and paper.
First panel with the person looking down on the paper titled "don't let a blank canvas intimidate you".
Second panel shows the person holding the pencil in the air "Start with a single line. Don't worry, just draw".
Third panel shows the person sweating "...That's the worst line I have ever seen".
Fourth panel shows the person frenetically erasing the line "Now you're just making it worse"


@MrLovenstein I love this. One of my art teachers talked about the terror of confronting the blank canvas, and this comic captures that terror well. Same for writers and the blank page. It's hard to smother our inner critic, the voice of expectation and ego, so the work can go forth.

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Sir, this is the Fediverse. We don't do this here.

Bee O'Problem

@MrLovenstein why I ditched Facebook in a nutshell. I didn't see my friends' stuff and nobody seemed to see my stuff

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