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ran into a facebook thread where somebody asked "what's the biological reason why 4/4 time feels natural while every other time signature is awkward" and the replies are equally split between americans who are like "i'm writing my evopsych phd on this subject and it seems to be that bipedal locomotion fits 4/4 so work songs are more effective and labor productivity is a form of lekking" and people who are like "bro i'm from india 4/4 is awkward af what are you talking about"

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Antonius Marie ⚧

@enkiv2 I am suddenly reminded of one of my favourite comedy songs from 1944.

The singer/songwriter is a Swedish comedian, and the point of view is an old man whose younger son is importing boogie-woogie albums from the US ("the states"), and while the old man finds himself enjoying the music ... he also needs to tweak it. Because it should be 3/4 time (turning it into a Boogie-Woogie Waltz)

Edited for typo.

JimmyB (he/him)

@enkiv2 Is that like the same EvoPsych which says women put red lipstick on because it reminds potential mates of their genitalia? And we cover out mouths when shocked to stop the spread of predator-attracting scent?

That kind of no evidence, make it up EvoPsych??? 😀

I'm with the Indian!


hot take but i think ISPs should return to giving every user a couple hundred megs of space on a public facing web server & encourage them to build little homepages. the corporatization of the web really hit overdrive when the persistent web presence of the average user stopped being a bunch of handwritten HTML and random files they wanted to share and instead became a profile template on a social media site

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Radioactive take, and I'm sitting here glowing with gamma-level pleasure at the idea.

DavidB I'm not even joking when I say that the web should return to animated "in construction" gifs.


Random link from the archives: "How the ARPANET Protocols Worked" originally retrieved Mon 15 Mar 2021 08:23:07 PM EDT


Random link from the archives: "Marx: Overcoming Alienation in Capitalism - YouTube" originally retrieved Thu Sep 17 10:13:20 EDT 2020


while individual instances might have explicit moderation policies related to CWs, the fedi-wide consensus has always been:

* CW the stuff you think should be CWed
* don't expect strangers to respond well to demands (including about CW topics)
* but actually think about CWs systematically
* and know that if you don't CW certain topics, the people who want those topics CW'd won't follow you (and might even mute or block you)

client-side filters for generating CWs (coming in masto 4, already part of clients like fern for years) resolve the tension between stuff you don't want to CW when posting about & stuff that you want CW'd when it shows up on your TL, and i hope more clients & instances begin to support it

while individual instances might have explicit moderation policies related to CWs, the fedi-wide consensus has always been:

* CW the stuff you think should be CWed
* don't expect strangers to respond well to demands (including about CW topics)
* but actually think about CWs systematically
* and know that if you don't CW certain topics, the people who want those topics CW'd won't follow you (and might even mute or block you)


the specific discourse is about CWing discussions of racism, & basically everything i've seen about it has made sense to me, but i don't have personal experience with this!

i hope client-side filters will resolve most of the tension on both sides of this conflict! the people who need to complain about racism are also the same people who most need a break from hearing about it, because they are the ones who are exposed to it & know it intimately

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