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JimmyB (he/him)

@enkiv2 Is that like the same EvoPsych which says women put red lipstick on because it reminds potential mates of their genitalia? And we cover out mouths when shocked to stop the spread of predator-attracting scent?

That kind of no evidence, make it up EvoPsych??? 😀

I'm with the Indian!



The folks commenting that they were doing evopsych phds in that thread were mostly women, so I don't think they're liable to promote that first one.

But yes, this seems to be a clear case of a huge amount of academic work trying to explain a phenomenon whose real explanation is "the researchers at your institution are uncultured".

JimmyB (he/him)

@enkiv2 Oh - I'm not really on their case too much - I mean: lots of us believe stuff and are invested in things that just can't possibly true, or even where we have absolutely no evidential right to believe them. I find the whole of EvoPsych to be like that - it's a kind of license to speculate in sciency terms, and often with great certainty, but have zero scientific accountability.

But is that worse than many other things we indulge in? Probably not!

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