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25 posts total
Alexander Cobleigh

yesterday @vanderZwan and i assembled the @domingoclub fermenter kit, and it all worked! next up is hacking together an enclosure and then we're off to tempeh fermenting town!!

Alexander Cobleigh

my wiki contains the following passage:

i wanted to start a wiki

Reasons behind this urge
* i want to document what i learn so that i don't have to relearn it later
* i want to have a sort-of a spellbook i can use to lookup old incantations and procedures instead of having to rediscover them. an exocortex
* a (personal) wiki feels like the kind of mind-augmenting tool that timers or calendars or trello boards are; they free up your mental resources for use elsewhere

so i created this

my wiki contains the following passage:

i wanted to start a wiki

Reasons behind this urge
* i want to document what i learn so that i don't have to relearn it later
* i want to have a sort-of a spellbook i can use to lookup old incantations and procedures instead of having to rediscover them. an exocortex
* a (personal) wiki feels like the kind of mind-augmenting tool that timers or calendars or trello boards are; they free up your mental resources for use elsewhere

Alexander Cobleigh

still checks out; also thankful for myself in writing down its explicit goals :)

it's easy to get muddled up on a thing's purpose as one traverses time

Alexander Cobleigh

I'm SUPER excited to announce the launch of Rad Reader! 🤩

A calm tool (Linux & Windows; 6MB & Electron-free!) for reading and following RSS feeds. I've been working on this for the past months during spare time and it's my first journey in making something polished enough to sell!

To celebrate its launch the price is reduced to 4.95 USD (34% off) for the rest of the week! If that feels like a lot, please try the free demo!!

Boosts very much appreciated!

📚 👉

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@cblgh I can't run this on my daily driver because it's a stinky crApple but I think this looks wonderful, so I bought it anyway.

I struggle to find a feed reader I feel cozy with, and I agree that the open source space is mostly broken and we need to try novel solutions. Congratulations, good luck and great work! When I get around to spinning up a Linux machine/VM again, this will be first on my list to try :)

Hugues Ross

@cblgh Not a huge fan personally, but I'll happily share it around!

Folks should use #rss , and if a more minimalist offering is what gets them to try it then that can only be a good thing.

Alexander Cobleigh

my first project on the boat itself: a diy sculling notch!

Alexander Cobleigh

i'd love to have a single term to refer to the complex of cryptocurrency, applied statistical models like LLMs, cloud datacenters and their ilk. there is something qualitatively different about them compared to e.g. homegrown personal communication technology

recently saw them gathered together in a table in the Limits 2023 paper "Computing as Ecocide" [1], it felt like a fresh breath of air to see someone else point these culprits out in a consolidated fashion


i'd love to have a single term to refer to the complex of cryptocurrency, applied statistical models like LLMs, cloud datacenters and their ilk. there is something qualitatively different about them compared to e.g. homegrown personal communication technology

recently saw them gathered together in a table in the Limits 2023 paper "Computing as Ecocide" [1], it felt like a fresh breath of air to see someone else point these culprits out in a consolidated fashion

Alexander Cobleigh

i am happy to announce that this year i bought a small used open boat for sailing, and yesterday was my first sail with it!

now that i've taken care of preliminaries and proven to myself that i can take it to sea i'll be sharing more openly about this burgeoning hobby 😊😍


Alexander Cobleigh

yesterday was also my first ever solo sail, which was TENSE, ADVENTUROUS and EXHILARATING and i am so proud of myself *.*

Devine Lu Linvega

@cblgh well done! So happy for you :) Looking forward to follow your journey on the water.


@cblgh YAY! So happy for you :)!!! How easy was it to put it in the water with the bike-led trailer?

Alexander Cobleigh

updated my /about page with some of the presentations & interviews i've been lucky to have done in the past year

Alexander Cobleigh

also added some older stuff that wasn't really gathered anywhere, kind of nice to see it all together in one place :)

Devine Lu Linvega

@cblgh just read your recent interview! It was very nice to read your thoughts on the current p2p projects you're working on and debrief on Dat's self-destruction.

Alexander Cobleigh

microsoft github has done the expected of making unsolicited and shit recommendations for the previously useful activity feed

what are people's fav web git frontends?

Alexander Cobleigh

thinking about this a little bit, i realized there's a missing piece: finding out about cool new projects

i put together a simple proposal for using rss to enable social activity around git repos. a dirt-cheap federated activity feed that can be read in any rss reader, generated by any tool or handwritten :)

thoughts & feedback welcome!!

Alexander Cobleigh

New Merveilles Jam Detected! :merveilles:

Finish It 2023
[2023-04-02 — 2023-04-09]

Have a project that's been lingering? Seize this opportunity to finish it using that extra boost of energy that comes from jamming with others—the smaller the project, the better!

It may be software, a feature, music, artistic, gardening-related - if you started working on it: it’s applicable

New Merveilles Jam Detected! :merveilles:

Finish It 2023
[2023-04-02 — 2023-04-09]

Have a project that's been lingering? Seize this opportunity to finish it using that extra boost of energy that comes from jamming with others—the smaller the project, the better!

It may be software, a feature, music, artistic, gardening-related - if you started working on it: it’s applicable

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Maša Kepic

@cblgh Oh I love this idea! It’s like body-doubles to get things done :)
Can we do one a month?


@cblgh Woo! Now to figure out what to do for the jam… 🤔

Csepp 🌢

@cblgh Finally a jam that won't interfere with uni, I can just call finishing my assignments a jam project.

Alexander Cobleigh

last night i made seitan for the first time, turned out great!


@cblgh this looks amazing wtf!!!
I wanna learn to do this

Alexander Cobleigh

super cool & wholesome interview with kiana weltzien, self-taught solo sailer who crosses the atlantic in her old wharram catamaran

Alexander Cobleigh

randomly came across her on youtube through this recording of her atlantic crossing that accidentally became a bit viral


@cblgh hahaha that's _so_ right! This really feels like a description of Merveilles' timeline :'D

Alexander Cobleigh

* sad, uncertain, stressed out

* happy, kind, tricky, burnout-free

Alexander Cobleigh

minimal computing is perhaps best understood as a heuristic comprising four questions to determine what is, in fact, necessary and sufficient when developing a digital humanities project under constraint: 1) “what do we need?”; 2) “what do we have”; 3) “what must we prioritize?”; and 4) “what are we willing to give up?”


@cblgh Love this!! I think "What are we willing to give up?" is probably the hardest question beyond computing...

Devine Lu Linvega

@cblgh "we have increasingly come to understand that GUIs hide the systems that drive that production, and by extension, the labor to maintain and sustain them."


Alexander Cobleigh

Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media: Beyond the Myth of Efficiency findings

* 90% of the energy used for a device is spent in producing it i.e. before you touch it
* 1 hour netflix is equiv. to burning 200g coal
* or driving ~2km (1.4-1.8)
* 0.8kWh in energy use per (video) stream seems to be a useful metric to measure against
* energy use for a laptop is roughly 30x less demanding than a desktop pc?! incl. manufacturing energy


Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media: Beyond the Myth of Efficiency findings

* 90% of the energy used for a device is spent in producing it i.e. before you touch it
* 1 hour netflix is equiv. to burning 200g coal
* or driving ~2km (1.4-1.8)
* 0.8kWh in energy use per (video) stream seems to be a useful metric to measure against
* energy use for a laptop is roughly 30x less demanding than a desktop pc?! incl. manufacturing energy


@cblgh IMO the main issue with that article is that the equivalences take more than a grain of salt to be properly interpreted.

Take the coal/driving equivalence: basically watching a video stream for a whole day is _less_ than a car roundtrip to next town over. A naive if slightly malicious newspaper title might say "Scientists discover that watching Netflix is better for the environment than even the shortest of daytrips!" [cont.] :local_only:

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