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25 posts total
Alexander Cobleigh

:lieu: 146 domains, 13k pages, 423k search terms. Index updated 2021-12-08

Alexander Cobleigh

:lieu: 146 domains, 21k pages, 490k search terms. Index updated 2021-12-17

Alexander Cobleigh

lieu's customizability has been enhanced, making deployment for other collectives and projects a lot more feasible.

and it's likely things are going to continue down this route for a bit :~

Alexander Cobleigh

quote from @darius: "the hook is not, "it is decentralized", the hook is you will be happier here"

currently live at (scroll down for livestream)

Devine Lu Linvega

@cblgh @darius that website sends my CPU to 99% before crashing firefox, do you have a direct link to the stream? I'd love to have a look.

Alexander Cobleigh
this is a very sensible effort for musicians to unite against Spotify's existing hegemony & poor payout for artists that aren't already millionaires

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