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Alexander Cobleigh

minimal computing is perhaps best understood as a heuristic comprising four questions to determine what is, in fact, necessary and sufficient when developing a digital humanities project under constraint: 1) “what do we need?”; 2) “what do we have”; 3) “what must we prioritize?”; and 4) “what are we willing to give up?”


@cblgh Love this!! I think "What are we willing to give up?" is probably the hardest question beyond computing...

sejo ✨🌊

@murilove @cblgh your comment reminded me of the 2nd of the 4 Rs of the deep adaptation agenda:

resilience: how do we keep what we really want to keep?
relinquishment: what do we need to let go of in order to not make matters worse?
restoration: what can we bring back to help us with the coming difficulties and tragedies?
reconciliation: with what and whom can we make peace with as we face our mutual mortality?

@murilove @cblgh your comment reminded me of the 2nd of the 4 Rs of the deep adaptation agenda:

resilience: how do we keep what we really want to keep?
relinquishment: what do we need to let go of in order to not make matters worse?
restoration: what can we bring back to help us with the coming difficulties and tragedies?
reconciliation: with what and whom can we make peace with as we face our mutual mortality?

Devine Lu Linvega

@cblgh "we have increasingly come to understand that GUIs hide the systems that drive that production, and by extension, the labor to maintain and sustain them."


Michael Dales

@neauoire @cblgh Surely that is conflating whether you provide an interface for a thing with the medium of delivery for that interface? It's a choice to provide tooling in either form isn't it?

Text based systems *tend* to provide more verbose UIs, but it's not a given requirement of the medium: IIRC 80s GUI os systems sans text tended to expose all.

Or is it that we only know how to build new software in text, so unless you address the computer in text code will always be intimidating?

Devine Lu Linvega

@mdales @cblgh the quote is taken from the link up on top.

It's talking about wordpress and wysiwig editors.

Michael Dales

@neauoire @cblgh I read the article, which was really good. I just inferred you were advocating that stance more generally - apologies.

Devine Lu Linvega

@mdales @cblgh No no, I wouldn't stretch this too far either. I'm saying this as someone who develops principally GUI applications ;)

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