I had the chance of listening to a preview of Elmet Brae, and wow. It's awesome! Everyone did such a good job. Each track feels like discovering a whole world! A symposium unpacking the challenges of sustainability and re-use within computation through art and design.
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@neauoire Thanks for posting this. I’m traveling starting this week, arriving in Amsterdam that morning. @neauoire If any other Mervs are attending, @rutherford and I will be there. Get in contact and come say hi. The submission to ICLC 2024 opens on November 23rd. :monkeywrench: TIL CrimethInc has a lite version of their website. "Wow, wow-" @neauoire @shibacomputer ironically, in the next few minutes of the video she actually got the answer right at first: "citizens don't need to be offered an identity solution <full stop.>" and then came the complete non-answer. sad. @neauoire newpipe has changed my life. I can use youtube now. it was just unpalatable before. Rek and I translated our little children's book Thousand Rooms(Solfasol Remisolla) to the musical language #Solresol! What is Solresol? Cool! ❤️ I've never seen this used outside of Omniglot and the Wikipedia entry on it's history. Well done! "A proposal, dear reader: Create a list of bookmarks linking to websites you find interesting, and publish it for the world to see. It's a bit strange, almost nobody seems to be doing this. Looking through a sample of personal websites, very few of them has links to other personal websites. A hyperlink isn't a marriage proposal. It is enough to find some redeeming quality in a website to link to it. It costs nothing, and helps bring traffic to pages that you yourself think deserve it."
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@neauoire Or, to put it in the outdated language of twenty years ago, it's not a blog if it doesn't have a blogroll. Or, as I put it back then, "Link somewhere, or be forever a cul de sac." http://www.erosblog.com/2003/04/08/blogging-is-as-blogging-does/ @neauoire So, for a little project I needed to compress a bit of data, and @cancel and I made up a spec that should be possible to implemented on small systems without too much headaches. I wrote a bit of documentation for it, and I was wondering if anyone wanted to put the docs to the test and see if they could write a toy implementation in a language of their choice. It'd help me see if there's things missing in the docs. http://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/ulz_format So, think of it as a little puzzle.
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Have you considered including 'magic-bytes' with your ULZ file format? ... The usage of it would be — If someone doesn't know what the file-name is, they could still determine the type of the file. ... It could be something as simple as the first by 7 bytes of the file format being: 55 4C 5A 2F 31 0D 0A Which, if interpreted as ASCII or Unicode UTF-8 would be: "ULZ/1\r\n" ... Here are magic bytes for other file formats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures . "But night software is not like that. It’s not written for the day job. It’s not written to see the light of day at all. It’s not written to be looked at and scrutinized by anybody. It’s intimate and personal, it’s messy and buggy. To take a look is to transgress." @neauoire I found that paragraph beautiful and poignant. Less preciousness. discarding finished and slick aesthetics. intimate, bespoke work. @neauoire Funny: My ‘night code’ is much more tidied, polished, optimized than my day code. I can justify wasting time on pointless details. @neauoire Do you really want to tell me all these developers working with big software companies – Microsoft, Oracle ... you name it – only work night-shifts? "I think the most important thing that concatenativity provides is the ability to analyze the space _between_ functions, e.g. there is some structure like a stack between every word" Someone wrote this this morning and it's the most lucid explanation of what brought me into concat languages too. Exploring this ma space between words. Modernized bicycle.rom so I can replace the text-only repl on the uxntal page, now that we have full graphical emulation; it's funny to think back at when uxntal didn't have lambdas and how much visual noise it made in the codebase. I don't name my parameters, I'm certain not about to start naming my functions. @neauoire This feels like a silly question, but does leaving functions unnamed make it harder to return to a project, or understand someone else's work? @neauoire Braces are new - are they just in place of square-brackets or something else? Uxn roms fit inside of urls! :bellsystem: @neauoire I feel silly asking but is that really happening or are they joking around? @neauoire often thought about this for the narrowboat but ended up realising that narrowboat engines have to be quite powerful for positioning / stopping all that weight in small spaces, and the torque needed for that just can't be done with pedals, even though normal 5mph cruising would be easy. |
@neauoire What is this?
@neauoire Ohh, the face on this guy is tickling my brain in the best way!