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18 posts total
Open Culture (Official)

Helen Keller Writes a Letter to Nazi Students Before They Burn Her Book: “History Has Taught You Nothing If You Think You Can Kill Ideas” (1933)


@openculture Interesting, but I find it a bit disconcerting that this is presented as ”history” on the openculture site, instead of an “imagined history”, “fantasy history”, or maybe “timeline according to an interpretation of the chistian bible”.

Open Culture (Official)

The World’s First Medieval Electronic Instrument: The EP-1320 Lets You Play the Sounds of Hurdy-Gurdies, Lutes, Gregorian Chants & More

Open Culture (Official)

The World’s First Medieval Electronic Instrument: The EP-1320 Lets You Play the Sounds of Hurdy-Gurdies, Lutes, Gregorian Chants & More

Open Culture (Official)

The Art of Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery: A Kyoto Woodworker Shows How Japanese Carpenters Created Wood Structures Without Nails or Glue

Sam at BLAG

@openculture There's a mention of Beethoven in this piece on lead, alongside some other notable people that may have suffered its ill effects:


@openculture That headline is bollocks. Of course DNA analysis did not reveal possible lead poisoning. It helped identify genuine hair of the composer and several risk factors for diseases. The high lead levels found in the hair have nothing to do with his DNA.

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Ԏєηυкι, 手抜き🚀🐧♏🔭

this was a Doc who recommends alcohol because of Churchills post-accidental medical treatment. I don't know what accident happened. But I'm sure that the doctor was either cynical , mental ill or an addict victim on his own ( maybe an alcoholic addict himself). However Churchill survived his alcoholic "treatment" getting rather old 20 years later.

Peter Telford

@openculture this is what he meant by keeping scientific advice on tap? 😉


@openculture My GP is checking me over and says, "You need to drink more." My first thought was, "Hey, I like the sound of THAT!" But then it hit me, he meant water.


@openculture These drawings of plant root systems are extraordinarily detailed.

#AltText A fine detailed cross section drawing of plant above ground and it’s root system below ground with a scale showing the depth in cm of the roots.

The sheer volume of soil covered by the combination of plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi is staggering.

#SoilHealth #Plants #Soil #Biodiversity

Open Culture (Official)

What’s Entering the Public Domain in 2023

Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Franz Kafka’s Amerika & More


@openculture Absolutely *dreading* the "re-imaginings" we're about to be burdened with. 🙄

@openculture Metropolis is again in the public domain :blobcatchristmasglowsticks:
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Unfortunately when a high school English teacher promoted Books Unbanned in her classroom in Norman, OK, she wound up getting forced out of her job because the school board in that city is in thrall of reactionary ninny muggins who are afraid that kids are going to ... read books and think for themselves. And those reactionary ninny muggins are increasingly loud here AND helped get their idiotic, semi-literate, MAGAt guy elected to head the State Department of Education. It's another notch in #Oklahoma's National Embarrassment Belt.


Unfortunately when a high school English teacher promoted Books Unbanned in her classroom in Norman, OK, she wound up getting forced out of her job because the school board in that city is in thrall of reactionary ninny muggins who are afraid that kids are going to ... read books and think for themselves. And those reactionary ninny muggins are increasingly loud here AND helped get their idiotic, semi-literate, MAGAt guy elected to head the State Department of Education. It's another notch in

Dixie La Pierre :verified:

@openculture Please give access to all, not just teenagers, I would love that!

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