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Steve Yelvington

Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error code “418 I’m a teapot”. The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.

Suat Ayöz


Had the pleasure of working in the same lab with Quentin later in the 90s. Not only a brilliant scientist but a very kind and pleasant person overall.

#Cambridge #CambridgeUniversity #internethistory

It's Just Jenn 🏳️‍⚧️

@openculture are these the same people that made the first pepsi machine you could order from online?

Paul Lalonde

@openculture and I had it open in my "browser". Told my enthusiastic colleague he was nuts pouring effort into this fancy gopher.
Bob was right.

Bathsheba Blue

Having shared a coffee pot with a bunch of academics this makes perfect sense.

I’d like to hear more about how they decided who’d make the next pot tho 😉


@openculture I'm probably wrong but I seem to remember it was on a coke machine... Now that I think of it, I think you are right... I remember it clearly back in the 80's I believe.


@LMaui @openculture no there was one of those too I'm pretty sure.

Pinkunz ✅️


When they shut the Webcam down in 2001, the last image broadcast was of a finger on its own power switch.


@grissallia @openculture @cliffcheney I never saw a hand grab it but watched for hours...maybe the time difference didn't help

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