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@openculture Figures. The law never applied to white rich men anyways.

George Liquor :verified:

@openculture "You must be at least this drunk to lead an empire"

Ԏєηυкι, 手抜き🚀🐧♏🔭

this was a Doc who recommends alcohol because of Churchills post-accidental medical treatment. I don't know what accident happened. But I'm sure that the doctor was either cynical , mental ill or an addict victim on his own ( maybe an alcoholic addict himself). However Churchill survived his alcoholic "treatment" getting rather old 20 years later.

Peter Telford

@openculture this is what he meant by keeping scientific advice on tap? 😉


@openculture My GP is checking me over and says, "You need to drink more." My first thought was, "Hey, I like the sound of THAT!" But then it hit me, he meant water.

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