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49 posts total
WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Starting the day on a high, though less of a high than waking up to and reading @ifixcoinops 's TURBO DAN megatoot from bed yesterday. That's a hard one to beat.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

@welshpixie IDK whether to update it with the whole

๐Ÿ˜บ "Guys I'm sorry for severing all your connections from that nasty woman's website I'd like to talk about the death threats though, they're super not cool. Sending an admin a death threat is an awful way to communicate. Let's all calm down."
๐Ÿ™‡ "Wait, are you saying you got death threats from .art folk?"
๐Ÿ™‡ "Are you saying that though"
๐Ÿง”โ€โ™‚๏ธ "Leave him alone, he's had death threats!"
๐Ÿ™‡ "Has he? Or is he just saying death threats aren't cool in general and that's got nowt to do with .art?"
๐Ÿ˜บ Block'd

...situation, because this whole entire debacle becomes more and more embarrassing to explain as it goes on

@welshpixie IDK whether to update it with the whole

๐Ÿ˜บ "Guys I'm sorry for severing all your connections from that nasty woman's website I'd like to talk about the death threats though, they're super not cool. Sending an admin a death threat is an awful way to communicate. Let's all calm down."
๐Ÿ™‡ "Wait, are you saying you got death threats from .art folk?"
๐Ÿ™‡ "Are you saying that though"
๐Ÿง”โ€โ™‚๏ธ "Leave him alone, he's had death threats!"
๐Ÿ™‡ "Has he? Or is he just saying death threats...

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Pinky purple forest ^.^ Oil pastels on A5 size Canson Mi-Tentes paper.

For Sale! $60 USD, includes worldwide shipping but note that post from South Africa is taking 1-4 months to arrive overseas right now.

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Makin' fractals

Gonna post them in a thread here as I make them, CC0, feel free to grab them for anything

Rendered in JWildfire

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

On the surface, looks like a normal boring calligraphy, but actually - it sporkle :artcataww: :artaww: :star_eyes: โœจ

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Case in point of people asking me 'I'm a single user instance, do I still need to have a block list?'

If you don't, and you 'accidentally' have a jovial conversation with or boost some posts from someone on a known trash instance (where 'trash' includes CSAM/pedo/loli, nazi, fash, alt-right, hate speech, extreme speech, queerphobia, transphobia, racism, conspiracy, etc.), and other instances notice you having those interactions, you'll be blocked.

Be responsible.


Idk, to me it depends whether someone is spreading those contents or not.
Since the third instance is blocked, someone from my instance won't see anything that's not boosted, so, if nothing questionable is coming from the middle instance, whom they talk with is their choice.
And if I may speak openly, I think that the whole "fascist by association" thing, in absence of anything fascist about the middle person, it's a dangerous slope.

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Since the influx there's been an uptick in people creating their own instances, small communities spinning up, and people asking for help getting started moderating or getting off to a good start with community moderation, so I've written some words and assembled them into some kind of order for your reading pleasure:

"So You Want To Be An Instance Admin"

Please ping if you see anything I should edit. <3

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Baloo Uriza

@welshpixie I'd also add "consider making your instance regional or otherwise limited in scope." Every instance doesn't need to be everything to everyone all the time.

seb hanlon ๐Ÿ˜ท

@welshpixie @jrenken this is linked from Nevโ€™s Collection of Admin Guides, but @rahaeli is wise and shares her wisdom regarding legal obligations:

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

My XP Pen arrived! (XP Pen Artist 12) It's fun. Native Linux drivers, whaaaat! Here's an eye I sketched in @Krita . (It's not looking at the camera and it's very sketchy but still a big 'ole eye.)

pingudroid ๐ŸŸข๐Ÿง๐Ÿ”ด

@welshpixie @Krita So awesome! I have the same tablet (bought it second-hand a couple years ago) and I also use Krita for non-pixel art illustrations <3 I know it's not as "professional" as other options, but I love that tablet, I think it works great and the size is perfect. Hope you enjoy it!

โŒฌ Codified โŒฌ

@welshpixie @Krita A long time since I've done art personally but the linux support is very tempting. Nice sketch btw


๐Ÿ˜Š Joy! Looked it up, nice piece of hardware! Must. resist. Clicking. Buy. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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Casey Hewitt

@welshpixie Just want to say I love your work! I have been trying to think of sayings and quotes to get commissioned. I love the illuminated pages style in some of your examples!

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

I found some mushrooms growing in the crook where a tree trunk forked :O

Nikon Z6, Tamron 180-400mm, processed in Darktable


@welshpixie eee mushie friends! They're so pretty!!

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

User: *posts an image, says 'coming as NFT on my OpenSea soon!'

Me, admin of an instance that has a 'no NFT content' rule: *suspend*

User, appealing: "Ridicilous decision. This is far worse than Twitter, this looks like North Korea. I only MENTIONED the word โ€˜NFTโ€. "

(That's not paraphrasing, btw. That's the actual text of the appeal.)

I... no.

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xinit โ˜•

@welshpixie Worse than North Korea. Then, I would suggest the crypto bro book a ticket to Pyongyang.



WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Anyone have a link to a post or site with a good user- / beginner- friendly overview of how activity pub and federation works? Asking for @AbandonedAmerica ^.^

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure is a great instance for photographically inclined users, but they're facing increasing server hosting costs and might have to shut down if they can't cover them - if you've got a spare buck or two, consider helping them stay around?

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:manjaro: The Dweller of the Threshold

@welshpixie that bastard was just sensing the danger. he has now understood that no car could ever harm him if he dwells there. so, heโ€™s going to dwell there. and have his toilet there.

Odo Baggins

@welshpixie I instantly heard the โ€žWow, you can really danceโ€œ-TikTok-Sound to this. :apartyblobcat:

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