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WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Case in point of people asking me 'I'm a single user instance, do I still need to have a block list?'

If you don't, and you 'accidentally' have a jovial conversation with or boost some posts from someone on a known trash instance (where 'trash' includes CSAM/pedo/loli, nazi, fash, alt-right, hate speech, extreme speech, queerphobia, transphobia, racism, conspiracy, etc.), and other instances notice you having those interactions, you'll be blocked.

Be responsible.


Idk, to me it depends whether someone is spreading those contents or not.
Since the third instance is blocked, someone from my instance won't see anything that's not boosted, so, if nothing questionable is coming from the middle instance, whom they talk with is their choice.
And if I may speak openly, I think that the whole "fascist by association" thing, in absence of anything fascist about the middle person, it's a dangerous slope.

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

@NicholasLaney If there are ten people sitting at a table with one nazi, you've got 11 nazis sitting at the table.

.art has a 'zero tolerance' policy - if you make space for fascists to exist, we don't make space for you.

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