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WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

Since the influx there's been an uptick in people creating their own instances, small communities spinning up, and people asking for help getting started moderating or getting off to a good start with community moderation, so I've written some words and assembled them into some kind of order for your reading pleasure:

"So You Want To Be An Instance Admin"

Please ping if you see anything I should edit. <3

Mr Bitterness :mastodon:

@welshpixie bookmarked to read soon. I've been following you and a few others as an unofficial mentor since I spun up my instance.Thanks for taking the time to do this.

Rick Osborne

@welshpixie 5⭐️/5 read. No notes. Thanks for this write-up!


@welshpixie I think a lot of people starting an instance should consider making an intentionally small, invite only instance for your friends. That is how I crafted, and keeping it to a small number of people I trust makes it far easier to moderate, and reduces amount of federated content coming in, making it easier to moderate externally too.

Randy Tayler

@welshpixie is there a "banned email" list somewhere that admins could subscribe to, to slow the instance-hopping of bad actors? "I banned this email so you should too," kind of thing? Force Nazis to get a new address before they try a new instance?

a hivemind of packbats

@welshpixie it might be good to add some kind of code of conduct resources - about writing and about enforcing

- πŸŽ’


It might be worth adding that most folks should limit their users to people they trust (i.e., not likely to cause trouble when you're not looking).

Baloo Uriza

@welshpixie I'd also add "consider making your instance regional or otherwise limited in scope." Every instance doesn't need to be everything to everyone all the time.

seb hanlon 😷

@welshpixie @jrenken this is linked from Nev’s Collection of Admin Guides, but @rahaeli is wise and shares her wisdom regarding legal obligations:

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