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WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

My XP Pen arrived! (XP Pen Artist 12) It's fun. Native Linux drivers, whaaaat! Here's an eye I sketched in @Krita . (It's not looking at the camera and it's very sketchy but still a big 'ole eye.)


pingudroid 🟢🐧🔴

@welshpixie @Krita So awesome! I have the same tablet (bought it second-hand a couple years ago) and I also use Krita for non-pixel art illustrations <3 I know it's not as "professional" as other options, but I love that tablet, I think it works great and the size is perfect. Hope you enjoy it!

⌬ Codified ⌬

@welshpixie @Krita A long time since I've done art personally but the linux support is very tempting. Nice sketch btw

WelshPixie, ShadowFigure

@Codified @Krita Thanks! Yeah, there are open source drivers too that apparently work well in case the native one doesn't ^.^


😊 Joy! Looked it up, nice piece of hardware! Must. resist. Clicking. Buy. 😬

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