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38 posts total
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Michael Vilain

If I have celiac disease and can't eat wheat without having an anaphylactic reaction, does that make me a FSM atheist?
If I'm "sensitive to wheat" does that make me a FSM agnostic?


@SmudgeTheInsultCat am I the only person who looks at The FSM & sees Chthulhu to the Nth Power?



It's the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
<satisfied grin>
I *knew* it had to be real! LOL🀣

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Dave Fischer

@SmudgeTheInsultCat No one who's seen footage of giraffes fighting could possibly believe that they're real.

cobratbq - cranky-by-design

@SmudgeTheInsultCat somebody pointed out recently that rhino's are kinda like armored battle unicorns.

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@SmudgeTheInsultCat you won't always have a calculator in your pocket


@SmudgeTheInsultCat I recall my 9th grade science text stating that solar power would never work because sunlight is too dispersed to be practical

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@SmudgeTheInsultCat @briellebouquet one of my favorite categories of human centric science is when scientists assume animals will display intelligence by fighting with each other but they end up working together instead, much to the shock of (surely) cis het white male scientists.

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Thomas R. :trollface:

@SmudgeTheInsultCat fascinating! I always liked the idea of sending this information with together with Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11.


Too right, get on it immediately!


@SmudgeTheInsultCat I agree, we need to send her out there to retrieve that disgusting thing.

Smudge The Insult Cat πŸ€

Calm down. It's just an indigenous man, proud of his local sports team.


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Sidlow Kid

@SmudgeTheInsultCat Sadly, they'd go for this. See the replies. SMH


@SmudgeTheInsultCat Just so we're crystal clear: Just because white people are okay with this DOES NOT mean Indigenous people should be okay with the name of that other (real) sports team.

I've seen too many stupid comments going "hey, I'm white and I'm not offended by you doing this so you shouldn't be when we use your culture in our stuff either!" That's not how that works.

The abuser does not get to determine if their victims should be considered victims or not. Guess who's the abuser.

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@SmudgeTheInsultCat 1000x multipliers are very nice but another big benefit of the metric system is in converting between fluid and cubic volumes and weights. And calories.

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