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Owen Niblock

@SmudgeTheInsultCat took my tired British brain surprisingly long to work out that they were pronouncing it in an American accent 😅

What do they mean, five Tom ar toes???

Chris Espinosa

@SmudgeTheInsultCat when people complain about the weirdness of kilometers, remind them that “mile” means “thousand,” and was originally a thousand (two-step) paces of a Roman legionnaire. It was the Elizabethan English who redefined it to 8 furlongs, making it five tomatoes.


@Cdespinosa @SmudgeTheInsultCat a furlong is about as far as a man can sprint before running out of breath, so to communicate quickly over a mile you need 7 runners

this is pure speculation but it's worth it to beat the french

Kalamata Hari

@SmudgeTheInsultCat To convert from miles to kilometers, you can go up to the next Fibonacci number: 5 miles ≈ 8 kilometers, 8 miles ≈ 13 kilometers, etc.
#metric #fibonacci

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@SmudgeTheInsultCat tfw pronouncing tomatoes as to-mah-toes so it doesn't works for me…

And metric cannot cope with thirds because it was invented by a drunken Frenchman 🍷🇫🇷😉

DougN :coffeev:​ 😷 :CApride:

@SmudgeTheInsultCat lol! I snorted for that one! Nice. Speaking of which, did you know that as of this week there are two new SI prefixes? 🤓


@SmudgeTheInsultCat 1000x multipliers are very nice but another big benefit of the metric system is in converting between fluid and cubic volumes and weights. And calories.

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