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197 posts total
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Steve Dinn

@nixCraft The real question is why wasn't Debian considered an "enterprise" distro all along?


Will be fun to watch redhats reaction when their market share takes a nosedive..... ๐Ÿคฃ

nixCraft ๐Ÿง

one day i will convince the world that ffmpeg is superior.

so far it only makes people stop reading my messages.

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Mat DJ ๐Ÿถ :verified_paw: :donor:

@nixCraft You get extra points if you typed that using an Android keyboard with autocorrect still switched on.


@nixCraft i love using ffmpeg to convert a game audio track with 4 mono channels to a stereo channel track dropping the last 2 channels

nixCraft ๐Ÿง

You can press up-arrow or down-arrow to walk through a list of previous commands in most modern shells like bash, tcsh, fish, zsh and others in #Linux / #FreeBSD / #macOS/ #Unix. Another option is to hit CTRL+R & type the command to recall. See:
help history
man bash
man fish
man zsh

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@nixCraft all are white, all are able-bodied, there is at best one female person. This picture is part if the problem for sure.


@nixCraft Thanks and love to all the solo developer-maintainers ๐Ÿซถ

nixCraft ๐Ÿง

I'm not surprised at all. Brute Fail: Watch brute force SSH attacks fail in real time Hence, I suggest reading my OpenSSH best security practices guide for #Linux, #FreeBSD, and #Unix to secure your server against these bots. #infosec #security #sysadmin

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Takiro ๐ŸŽจ

I remember seeing Scott and other random names in my alerts send by Fail2Ban and I always wondered: who were these people that they appear in those brute force lists?

Takiro ๐ŸŽจ

Anyone remembering Siri recommending Nokia when asked what the best mobile phone is?


@nixCraft because the software and models won't improve over time right

nixCraft ๐Ÿง

Mother Nature committed quite a few times on this branch

nixCraft ๐Ÿง

Poll: The most common way I've seen for SSH access to #Linux or #Unix servers (please boost for reach. TIA):

Anonymous poll


Username and password
SSH authorized_keys (pub key)
SSH Certificates
Other (I will reply below)
1,774 people voted.
Voting ended 5 Jun 2023 at 5:27.
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Christopher Wood


Channeling the Enterprise Security Architect vibe...

Don't you know that somebody might rEplAcE filEs oR aDd a kEy?? Are you committed to security at all??

l4p1n ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ

@nixCraft public keys managed with an initialization Ansible role.

I've tried ssh certs, but it's more annoying to manage for my setup so far

nixCraft ๐Ÿง

Don't you have a pointless meeting to schedule?

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British Tech Guru

@nixCraft if you start the meeting by blasting all the useless people with a phaser at max output then the meeting will end up with everybody in agreement and it will be pretty productive.

Danny Boling ๐ŸŒˆ โ˜ฎ๏ธ


A meeting whose only agenda item is to schedule future meetings? Why sure! :eyeroll:

Larry Smith

Had I decided to be a manager I probably would have a pointless meeting to schedule.

Fortunately, having developed a disdain for pointless meetings, I chose a different career path.

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Anders Rytter Hansen
Haha. Especially after installing updates ๐Ÿ˜†

@nixCraft There's a difference between getting sh*ts done and getting sh*ts done correctly

Jackson Barker

@nixCraft You know it has been a rough week when you have to pull out the recovery USB for a second time

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Mike Lake

That's neat :-) The TikZ package is quite powerful. I think I have been using \LaTeX for quite a few decades. I used to typeset The Journal of the Royal Society of NSW in it for many years. Was a lot more pleasant than using MS Word :-) I was chuffed when I made a LaTeX package for cave maps. It's my only one though:


@nixCraft fwd just in case you didn't see that one yet :)

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