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Lorq Von Ray

@nixCraft - Red Hat seems intent on becoming even more irrelevant. Go Rocky. -- And we will always find a way forward. Even without them. (I could be talking about Reddit here too.)


@nixCraft yeah, pretty much. kind of a shame, i've never managed to wrap my head around the .deb / apt packaging system anywhere nearly as well as i understand RPM.

building a .deb package from source might be easy if you grok it, but i don't, and it looks like greek hieroglyphics to me. even searching for and installing them from the CLI is strange magic. does anyone have a suitable "wrangling .deb packages for dummies" e-book available, like used to exist for RPM?

hauleth πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@lynxcat @nixCraft on the other hand I had exactly the same problem with wrapping my head around RPM and Yum


@lynxcat @nixCraft I've been building binary packages lately, but this is a nice walkthrough of one of the ways:

Joseph Dickson

@nixCraft NASA used Debian on the International Space station in '13 when SVN wrote this article. 100% they still do. You won't see RHEL mentioned. πŸ˜‰

Brian Reiter

@josephdickson @nixCraft I believe that NASA does use RHEL as well as Debian. And VxWorks. And they use a lot of Macs and Windows. Probably they use everything.

Joseph Dickson

@breiter @nixCraft yeah. They'll definitely use the best tool for the job.


@josephdickson @nixCraft The mission control room computers use (or at least used) RHEL.


@nixCraft Debian, SUSE Enterprise, and Ubuntu make for good business servers and desktops.


@nixCraft Apparently Rocky Linux is saying they'll be able to maintain course, unless something's changed. But I don't think there are details on how they intend to do that, unless they've said more.

Alma Linux seems a bit concerned about it, though.


@TechieJamie @nixCraft I would guess build from centos and mirror redhat patches as much as they can.

Mark Willis πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ‘Ύ

@nixCraft I’ve been been using Debian in enterprise for years now. Don’t mind me as I smugly declare that I saw the writing on Red Hat’s wall for years now. Debian has proven a very solid replacement for me.

Brian Reiter

@willis @nixCraft I have used Debian or Ubuntu LTS where FIPS validation was required for years unless someone insisted on RHEL. I see no durable advantage to RHEL. They are equally reliable except that, because of apt, Debian and Ubuntu can be reliably upgraded in place and RHEL really can’t.

Mark Willis πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ‘Ύ

@breiter @nixCraft same story here, FIPS-compliance pushed me to Debian a few years ago against my will, but turns out it’s actually just a rock solid distro. I’ve rolled with it ever since... well, except when I have to make use of .rpm packages - and even then, Rocky is my go to.

Hank G β˜‘οΈ
@nixCraft As a huge Debian-based Linux fan...I approve of this message :)

@nixCraft does that mean I have to pay for debian?


@nixCraft very disappointed in #redhats direction. Ever since IBM acquired them its been downhill.
Poor #Centos


@nixCraft It's an "enterprise distro" only if you're running the Linux Subsystem on Windows Enterprise - otherwise it's just another "Linux on the Desktop".

unixjunk1e 🌡

@nixCraft if I recall correctly (and I might not be) Limelight Networks would say "always has been"

Steve Dinn

@nixCraft The real question is why wasn't Debian considered an "enterprise" distro all along?


Will be fun to watch redhats reaction when their market share takes a nosedive..... 🀣

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