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Mark Willis 👨🏻‍💻👾

@nixCraft I’ve been been using Debian in enterprise for years now. Don’t mind me as I smugly declare that I saw the writing on Red Hat’s wall for years now. Debian has proven a very solid replacement for me.

Brian Reiter

@willis @nixCraft I have used Debian or Ubuntu LTS where FIPS validation was required for years unless someone insisted on RHEL. I see no durable advantage to RHEL. They are equally reliable except that, because of apt, Debian and Ubuntu can be reliably upgraded in place and RHEL really can’t.

Mark Willis 👨🏻‍💻👾

@breiter @nixCraft same story here, FIPS-compliance pushed me to Debian a few years ago against my will, but turns out it’s actually just a rock solid distro. I’ve rolled with it ever since... well, except when I have to make use of .rpm packages - and even then, Rocky is my go to.

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