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Mike, you know -that- Mike.


It’s vim…..

Geesh your acting like its vi


@mikeylikestech @nixCraft

Ironically, if it were #vi, Q then q then enter would work. #vim still has Q, but on many systems it is hidden behind a remap of Q to something else.

One day, someone will count how many #Unix programs in which q means quit. less, more, most, top, ...

Zorin =^o.o^=

@nixCraft The first time I opened vim by accident without having used it before, I already knew about ctrl-Z, so I did that fairly quickly and kill -9 %1 -- But I feel sorry for people who did know about ctrl-z yet. :)

Henrick This is Me: "Ew, VIM. Nope." Closes the terminal

o/1MS\o ⌨️🐧

@nixCraft I know how to leave vi, but do this with english keyboard settings and a german keyboard. This is much more fun.
Today I started a Gentoo Live-ISO in a VM and opened a file with vi. With this setup ":" is available at "ΓΆ" key...
I had to test some keys until I found the correct one.

Stefan Ritter :verified:

@nixCraft Back in the days I just restarted my computer. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


@nixCraft There's a solution for that...
(example in debian-based distros)

sudo apt purge vim




@nixCraft yep this vim joke will never get old even years later 🀣

eons Luna

@nixCraft having messed around with Vim before, I can relate.

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