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12 posts total
Nathan Schneider

If there were a local cooperative host for your email, Mastodon, and file-sharing, would you join?

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Jennifer Moore


If someone set up a Fedi instance for Nottingham, I'd be keen to have an account there for planning covid-careful in-person events. That's a project which would really benefit from connections in the same geographical area.


@ntnsndr I absolutely would! I've often wondered if running these types of services under a credit union's umbrella of products would be beneficial in both privacy/security as well as being more established/accessible to a community as an entity. Could potentially become a data stewarding service + payment processor too.

@ntnsndr I absolutely would! I've often wondered if running these types of services under a credit union's umbrella of products would be beneficial in both privacy/security as well as being more established/accessible to a community as an entity. Could potentially become a data stewarding service + payment processor too.


@ntnsndr bldrweb is doing alright, I think. Not seeing much member growth, but that's ok.

I don't think my local server is big enough to be useful for local-focused discussions. It seems hashtags are better for that. #boulder

I think in general, accounts (identities) should not be location specific. People move. People have multiple simultaneous locations/communities. Etc. And they don't want to manage multiple accounts (or inboxes) or try to migrate things when moving locations.

Nathan Schneider

This is an incredibly important book—an in-depth, gripping account of among the greatest economic development achievements in US history: cooperative rural electrification.

It demonstrates that powerful co-op policy is possible—and how hard investor-owners will fight it.

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Nathan Schneider

@mediaarchaeologylab I love that this is the sort of thing the fediverse community is doing, rather than, say, making VC pitch decks


@ntnsndr @mediaarchaeologylab Love to see it, ah nostalgia, slightly beautiful, slightly painful.

We had one of these in school and we did lessons with Pascal and I may be misremembering but maybe Logo as well (maybe that's a different memory).

Nathan Schneider

Just started a thread on having the #SocialCoop Finance Working Group develop an annual comprehensive budget for the co-op—members, please join:

Nathan Schneider

#Socialcoop stars in this new article by me and @amyadele on why the fediverse is not just a Twitter replacement—it invites us to a whole new orientation to social media:

Thanks fellow cooperators for helping inform this thinking!

Gert V 🇵🇸

@ntnsndr @amyadele Each node in the fediverse has full autonomy. But I could imagine that they would share or subscribe to multiple standards policies to make it easier to assess the "quality" of a node. Perhaps some sort of Federation Assembly could exist to coordinate such, knowing what is not wanted instead of what would be a perfect world.

There is much support for blocking crypto bros and ad bros too. At the moment there is no place yet to discuss or flag this.

@ntnsndr @amyadele Each node in the fediverse has full autonomy. But I could imagine that they would share or subscribe to multiple standards policies to make it easier to assess the "quality" of a node. Perhaps some sort of Federation Assembly could exist to coordinate such, knowing what is not wanted instead of what would be a perfect world.

Dana Burch🗽theres more to love

@ntnsndr @amyadele

🙏 "Learning how to self-govern on social media will take time"

Nicol Wistreich

@ntnsndr @amyadele my late great uncle Ernest Wistrich ( would talk a lot about subsidiarity. It was central to his (and many others') vision for the Europe Union, as you mention, but got diluted with time.

Nathan Schneider

I've now published a version of the "How to Make the Fediverse Your Own" document (a love letter from to the fediverse) on our official wiki here:

Please share this version from now on.

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Andrés Monroy-Hernández

@ntnsndr @hrheingold planning to use this guidance to inform our instance. I'm still not totally clear on the pros/cons of using Open Collective vs setting up a 501c3.

Nathan Schneider

Invading Afghanistan and trying to set up a puppet govt for 20 years was a disaster from the start. Today, remembering my first protest and my first reporting gig: a quixotic protest in late 2001 against the inevitable invasion.

They were right.

Nathan Schneider

Super excited to see that @compost magazine's first issue is out!

Dispatches from the digital commons!

And they're here on!

Nathan Schneider

I love how obsessed my daughter is with the gorgeous picture of Silvia Federici in the NYT Mag

Nathan Schneider

Is anyone referring to journalists who flee to Substack as scabs? Is that a thing?

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