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Andrew Brandt

@spike @ntnsndr @mediaarchaeologylab Now we just need to set up an account for the Apple //c on a server.

Would love to learn more about how you did this.

Spike :donor:

@colin_mcmillen @andrewbrandt @ntnsndr @mediaarchaeologylab Thank you, that's very helpful. Since I'm also a MAL docent I'll reach out to Nathan to discuss the specific proxy settings/devices he used in the lab to accomplish this, so I can use it myself when I'm in the lab

media archaeology lab

@spike @colin_mcmillen @andrewbrandt @ntnsndr it wasn't Nathan's doing - if you look back over our feed the last couple days you'll see the details

media archaeology lab

@jann @ntnsndr love it when the //c is described as a laptop 😆

(((Jann Gobble)))🏳️‍🌈

@mediaarchaeologylab @ntnsndr Well, I used to call my Mac Portable: "luggable".

This was def more portable than THAT! 😉


@ntnsndr @mediaarchaeologylab Ok I need this specific look in a client that I can run, this is incredible

Nathan Schneider

@mediaarchaeologylab I love that this is the sort of thing the fediverse community is doing, rather than, say, making VC pitch decks


@ntnsndr @mediaarchaeologylab Love to see it, ah nostalgia, slightly beautiful, slightly painful.

We had one of these in school and we did lessons with Pascal and I may be misremembering but maybe Logo as well (maybe that's a different memory).

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