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Nathan Schneider

If there were a local cooperative host for your email, Mastodon, and file-sharing, would you join?

Nathan Schneider

@gaba because for lots of people the local is an important locus of identity and dense networks.


@ntnsndr Yes. If I'm there is some kind of active participation in the governance of this cooperative then I would join a local coop that host all those services.

Dave V. ND9JR

@ntnsndr Only if it has direct democracy and isn't subject to the excessive committee-ization that certain cooperatives I've seen have been.


@ftdl is close - they're a foundation, and they do matrix instead of email, but otherwise that's pretty close to what you're asking.
And I might, if my hackerspace didn't run and offer those πŸ˜‚

a libi rose

@ntnsndr in theory, yes. in practice, who is involved?

a libi rose

@ntnsndr still have sour memories of toxic local forums in high school

Nathan Schneider

@rose_alibi maybe you? Maybe it lives in the MAL? :)

Al Wirtes

@ntnsndr Absolutely! I would love a local option to de-Google my life!

Josh Simmons

@ntnsndr If I wasn't already happy with my setup, absolutely! Naturally, I'd want them to also offer Matrix πŸ˜€

Nathan Schneider

@josh yeah, I would too. With the stack I'm thinking of, Matrix would be easy.


@ntnsndr depending on the number of techs involved (as in not a one person shop), yes. @thepoliticalcat


> If there were a local cooperative host for your email, Mastodon, and file-sharing, would you join?

In a sense, that's kind of my situation. This server is run under the umbrella of an incorporated society, of which I'm a financial member. Governance of the server itself is fairly informal, but there are various forums where members gather, where issues relating to it can be raised.


@ntnsndr yes but based on confidence in internal governance and (especially for file sharing) technical implementation

Nathan Schneider

The domain name would have to be cool

Irenes (many)

@ntnsndr well, no, we prefer to run our own, but we'd probably donate or something

Pete Ashton

@ntnsndr Probably not for email unless it was robust and reputational (?) enough to bypass spam filters. Needs to be Fastmail level really. (I use Fastmail and am very happy).

Pete Ashton

@ntnsndr Also, sorry to say, but my experience using Nextcloud has put me off FOSS versions of Gdocs and Dropbox for life.

Preston Austin

@ntnsndr Quite probably yes, but ALL the details would matter πŸ˜‰

tyil Email and file-sharing, sure, but Mastodon, not so much. It is one of the worst Fediverse platforms, I have no clue why people keep making new instances with it when so many better alternatives exist that are so much cheaper to operate.

Leo Gaggl

@ntnsndr if it can provide custom domain support and respects privacy I am sure there is a market for it.
I am constantly asked for this.

Jennifer Moore


If someone set up a Fedi instance for Nottingham, I'd be keen to have an account there for planning covid-careful in-person events. That's a project which would really benefit from connections in the same geographical area.


@ntnsndr I absolutely would! I've often wondered if running these types of services under a credit union's umbrella of products would be beneficial in both privacy/security as well as being more established/accessible to a community as an entity. Could potentially become a data stewarding service + payment processor too.

@ntnsndr I absolutely would! I've often wondered if running these types of services under a credit union's umbrella of products would be beneficial in both privacy/security as well as being more established/accessible to a community as an entity. Could potentially become a data stewarding service + payment processor too.

Nathan Schneider

@kalebpace yes, me tooβ€”i have suggested it to CU execs and got the impression they had no interest in growing their risk profile


@ntnsndr bldrweb is doing alright, I think. Not seeing much member growth, but that's ok.

I don't think my local server is big enough to be useful for local-focused discussions. It seems hashtags are better for that. #boulder

I think in general, accounts (identities) should not be location specific. People move. People have multiple simultaneous locations/communities. Etc. And they don't want to manage multiple accounts (or inboxes) or try to migrate things when moving locations.


@ntnsndr Co-op/collaborative adim or selfhosted online communities and other tools: yes!

But I think a lot of care needs to be taken when thinking about which parts define an online identity (and thus don't change or change infrequently and/or are mutually exclusive if you want multiple simultaneously) and which parts are communities your identity participates in.

Roughly, in my mind anyway:

Email, username, etc: identity

Discourse posts, toots, files, slack messages: things done by the identity.

Not the best expression of my thoughts here, but hopefully that's interesting, at least πŸ˜€

@ntnsndr Co-op/collaborative adim or selfhosted online communities and other tools: yes!

But I think a lot of care needs to be taken when thinking about which parts define an online identity (and thus don't change or change infrequently and/or are mutually exclusive if you want multiple simultaneously) and which parts are communities your identity participates in.



I guess another point I was trying to make: I love the idea of community/self hosted identities and spaces and tools, but I don't think I want my identity(ies) closely coupled to my physical location. I want something more permanent for my identity association.

And I usually want to minimize the number of identities I have to manage. From a privacy perspective, separate identities rarely remain fully separate, so I'd rather not fool myself into thinking they do. I mostly want these two:

- Thomas (for most everything)
- anonymous (when needed, fully ephemeral)


I guess another point I was trying to make: I love the idea of community/self hosted identities and spaces and tools, but I don't think I want my identity(ies) closely coupled to my physical location. I want something more permanent for my identity association.

And I usually want to minimize the number of identities I have to manage. From a privacy perspective, separate identities rarely remain fully separate, so I'd rather not fool myself into thinking they do. I mostly want these two:

Nathan Schneider

@thomasw totally reasonable points. And I think this is one thing I prefer about the composable model of AT Protocol: the layering of relationships, rather than Mastodon's one size fits all.


@thomasw @ntnsndr Agreed that tags are the way to go for now. I like and follow #boulder and #cuboulder tags for local info. Maybe we could assemble a list of other local tags to the front range area so that we can all be in the loop better.

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