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7 posts total
Kev Quirk

Unfortunately it’s a bit cloudy here in North Wales tonight, but I did manage to get a couple pics of the #aurora from our back garden.

Kev Quirk

I recently wrote about how Mastodon is DDoSing me every time I post a link to this site. I've managed to fix the problem...I think.

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@kev Congrats! Thanks for sharing the solution and the process.

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@kev nice write up, thanks for sharing the journey. Does this effectively mean that your site is a static site except there dashboard/control panel portions? Or just that each post page is "static" (due to cache) and the main page is still generated on each request (like it will fall over if you shared the top level link)?

Kev Quirk

I just searched for something on #DuckDuckGo and got a “DuckAssist” at the top of the results, right below the ads (of course).

It was basically a ChatGPT like message as if I’d typed the question there.

Stop 👏 putting 👏 #AI 👏 in 👏 every 👏 fucking 👏 thing!

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@kev it would be a lot more useful if they would enable IPv6 for their search engine

Olivier Simard-Casanova

@kev I hate it here, and I’m not even opposed to AI.

Kev Quirk

I've been lucky enough to make a number of friends from #blogging. This is a bit of a feel good post about how social media isn't the only way to meet new people.

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Joel :void: :casio:

@kev I forgive you for not adding me to the list, because that's what friends do :BlobhajHeart:


@kev this is your lived experience so, by definition, it obviously isn't wrong.

My microblogging experience doesn't equate to passing in a corridor. More like sitting in a pub and chatting shit with a group of friends.

There was a time, in the golden days, I'd spend entire evenings talking with folk on Literally hundreds of posts over the whole evening... Mostly taking the piss out of each other.

It was wonderful.

Garrit 🏃‍♂️👟

@kev I'm late to the party. Thanks for the shoutout!! 🙂

Kev Quirk

Next #FediPoll post…once again, boosts appreciated for maximum engagement. 😊

How old are you?

Anonymous poll


<= 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
5,213 people voted.
Voting ended 4 Mar 2023 at 7:21.
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národní prase
@kev wow that's surprising results. It must be skewed by your peer bubble methinks..
Theta Sigma

@kev the question is, is this unusual? Just under half the world’s population is going to be over the age of 40. Probably about a quarter are going to be under 20, but you also wouldn’t expect the vast majority of that age group to be on social media. So, I suppose the only stand out data here is the relatively disproportionate number of people in the 21-30 category.

Although, from my memory, that’s fairly similar to Twitter and Facebook.

Kev Quirk

Ok, my first poll for #FediPoll - what kind of mobile phone do you use?

(boosts appreciated to get as much engagement as possible, thanks!)

Anonymous poll


Apple (iOS)
9,100 people voted.
Voting ended 9 Feb 2023 at 22:15.
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Chris (Bucky) Barnes

@kev I did Other because I use BOTH an iPhone and an Android phone.

0mega 🕱 [hz]
@Kev Quirk Android unfortunately, because @PINE64's support prefers to play ping-pong with my ticket >_>
Rob Monroe

@kev The Libertarian candidate, Other, seems to be siphoning votes away from Android and Apple. If no one gets 50% of the votes, it forces another runoff election in three weeks.

Kev Quirk

Webbed Briefs by @heydon is my favourite thing on the Internet right now!

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