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Kev Quirk

Next #FediPoll post…once again, boosts appreciated for maximum engagement. 😊

How old are you?

Anonymous poll


<= 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
5,213 people voted.
Voting ended 4 Mar 2023 at 7:21.

@kev apart from @Jaden2 i don't think I know any under 20s here... Do I? Show yourselves!


@Tattooed_mummy @kev @Jaden2 we are here, we just don't announce our age in bios :D


@Tattooed_mummy @kev @Jaden2 I actually don't have a good answer. Maybe just because the concept of age is a little bit lost in the Gen Z space?

Kev Quirk

@mikolaszko wait until you're an old, jaded curmudgeon (like me!) you'll think about age a lot more. 😂

@Tattooed_mummy @Jaden2


Completely depressed myself yesterday trying to calculate a day as a percentage of my remaining life (Assuming I live to the WHO National average age).
It turns out I only have 16 years left...
@mikolaszko @Tattooed_mummy @Jaden2

enchantedsleeper 🌈⭐

@mikolaszko @Tattooed_mummy @kev Not putting your age in bio (especially if it's in the under 20s range) is laudable. Why does anyone need to know? I think it's much more depressing how normalised sharing a host of personal info online now is...


@enchantedsleeper @mikolaszko @kev I'd only share my birthday if I thought people would send cards 😂😉
I just add my generation as I think it helps frame my life experience.


@enchantedsleeper @mikolaszko @kev not suggesting being old gives me better knowledge obviously, but life experiences, such as remembering life before the net, and also dial up, give a different perspective


@Tattooed_mummy @enchantedsleeper @kev Well, I am 20 and I remember life before the internet because I was born in Poland. We had a dial up at my house until I was 8. Examples you provide might be universal for people born in the West Europe or US/any county that didn't have to catch up financially. This was (more or less because I couldn't find the exact model) the TV I had. Many of my friends have similar experiences but hey, it's a small sample


@mikolaszko @enchantedsleeper @kev hence why my country is in my bio too. So much of the Internet is American!


@mikolaszko my daughter is 23 but grew up with tape players because I'm retro lol


@Tattooed_mummy @mikolaszko sounds lovely! I hear tapes have better sound. Is that true?

Tattooed_Mummy replied to Galadriel

@Galadriel @mikolaszko I mostly listen to vinyl or cds now. One day I might try streaming as you kids call it 😉.
Tapes are great unless they stretch or break. Though a bit of sellotape sorts them out

Fredrik Björeman

@kev Now I know why some questionaires and stuff have a age bracket like ”99+”: it can be upsetting to the mind to find yourself in the highest age bracket 😄

Kev Quirk

@bjoreman I’m not far off that age bracket myself. Unfortunately mastodon only allows for 4 options though 😕

Fredrik Björeman

@kev Rule #56 of age bracketing: always consider the grumpy dinosaurs.

Or was that *never* … 🤔


@kev Wow definitely expected a few more younger people


@kev Reckon your scale could have done with another step?


@kev i though 21-30 will be more :blobthinkingeyes:

Alena ✓

@anja I know this wasn’t the point but my god that cia page was enlightening. I hadn’t really thought about the median ages of places and the impact that must have. And mistakenly assumed the range to be much closer across the globe.

Lars Fosdal


How old do you feel?
[x] <= 29
[_] > 29

Yusuf Toropov

@kev where's the love for 61+? We don't get a category? :-)


@kev @YusufToropov might have been interesting to have gen Z, millennial, gen x, boomer (or less offensive equivalent). Hindsight is 20:20, as they say.

Yusuf Toropov

@the_whip @kev the reason 41+ is twice as big is that you've lumped me in with my daughter in law :-)

Yusuf Toropov

@the_whip @kev

I'm cool with boomer. I own the sins of my generation


@YusufToropov @kev I’m gen-x. I shudder to think what we will be blamed for.

Yusuf Toropov

@the_whip @kev Pretty sure it's all on us. :-) You guys are cool. We screwed this up.

For Pete's Sake

@kev Older than I look but Younger than I feel ;P


There is a weakness here. The 41+ age group contains more than twice as many people as the 31-40 group, and includes the people who were hit by the microcomputer revolution. That apparent increase is down to that.

I am over-60, and I would be unsurprised if the numbers for my 10-year group were dropping off.


@kev damn looks like I have some lawns to get off

Twelve :GrapheneOS:

Guess i will vote blank as my age isn't here

Kev Quirk

@Twelve how so? These 4 options literally cover all ages.

Twelve :GrapheneOS:

Is the blank option under 20¿ its not very passific

Kev Quirk

@Twelve mastodon only allows 4 options on a poll, so I had to group ages together.

Jawsh Mizzle
Look again, it has to be there. 😂

@kev Interesting. I thought 21-30 would have a lot more! I assume users from the instance you're in are more likely to see your post, so perhaps some bias?


@kev That choice of categories sure made most of us feel old, eh

Colin Macqueen

@kev “41+” is pretty broad. I’m 60 here and I rarely get counted with the kiddos.

John Howes

@kev it's like Twitter, but for grownups 🤣

Kev Quirk

I know that 41+ is broad. But Mastodon only allows for 4 options and I had to get everyone in.

edgeoforever 🍎

@kev maybe in a next poll, replace the first option with a division of the last one

Marco Bresciani

You should've written 42+. 42 is the answer.

GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺

@kev Well, what about 20-, 21-40, 41-60, 61+? Looking at the results so far, that stands to more reason.


Maybe 12 year gaps. 24, 36, 48, 60+.


@kev so why the emphasis on the younger users and what is this poll for?

Kev Quirk

@comicbookbin there is no emphasis on younger users. Masto only allows 4 options, so this is how I split it up.

WRT why -


@kev I’m now part of “The most depressing option” 😂


I like being 41+. I usually have to be 55+!


@kev gosh I’m 41+ but I don’t smell like old people yet I swear


@kev I'm in the 31-40 group for the next three months. Then I'm 41+.

😭 😭 😭


Seems to be something missing from the 5%. Logic would suggest ≤ 20?


@kev Looking at the results of the poll I knew it! I'm under 30, but I actually like that Mastodon seems to have an older crowd. Maybe that is why we have less memes and more discussion..🤔🤔🤔


@kev Is this an elaborate phishing exercise? After a few more months of this you’re going to have all the info you need to get into my bank account! 😜

Kev Quirk

@caldini I can neither confirm nor deny those allegations. :)


@kev happy to be one of, if not, the first 14 year old to choose this platform over twitter


@kev Ending at 41+ makes me feel like death is just around the corner.


@kev Now I'm no statsonomer, but I would think the fact that I'm being lumped into an age group with my retired boomer parents doesn't help the validity of your data.

Kev Quirk

@petefm this is just a bit of fun. It's hardly scientific research.


@kev Posts like these exist just to expose the poster.
Why do you think he's begging for reposts?


@kev the nursing home for early adopters, I love it lol

Clarissa C. S. Ryan

@kev Looks like that was the wrong breakdown to pick :awesome: (I mean you can't know until you ask!)

redbanjer 🪕

hahaha... THREE dedicated choices for under 40 but only ONE section for anyone over 40.. I call age discrimination! 👵 🧶
The average age of a US person is currently 38.8 yrs old.


@kev I am *insulted to be in the maximum age category* years old


@kev I'm so old the mastodon client I maintain does not support polls. Thank goddess.


@kev How old is the person who created the survey? 😉 so many youngins think that over 40 is One Foot In The Grave


@kev I'm in the "older than dirt" bucket of the 41+ segment.😀


POLL: How old are you?

These categories should give excitingly close results! @kev #Fedipoll

Rune Ranch - ルーン牧場

@kev Wow we are so old! Well this explains a lot about the good vibes here on #Manstodon? 😎


@kev I like that 41 is the beginning of the end scale. I’m 69. I guess I’ll just take my abacus and flint and meander off into the wild.

Swagpuss McG

@kev so many oldies we need to attract the youth from tiktok... *lays out haribos and NFTs*


@kev Are you under 40 or so old I don't care?


@kev @mattb I wonder if cultivating a following for @fedipoll would be good for building engagement?

J 🎧:verified:

@kev Glad to see 41+ with a big lead. Because I'm WAY past 41. 😆


@kev @Tattooed_mummy At some point I reached the age when I’m more often in the top age range in surveys…

Though, more seriously 41+ is a really large age range and splitting it down might be more useful.


18 here, grew up on the internet, my friends over on Discord made the switch over to fedi/mastodon and so did I!


@kev I'm not entirely surprised that Mastodon skews old - it feels a lot like the successor to the era of forums - but wow that is quite the split


@kev this is why it often feels like we’re just a bunch of old guys chatting about old guy shit.

This is my place.

David Grigg

@kev @jdarnold I'm 71, you could have added some more choices to your poll!

Darwin Woodka

@kev only ancient techies can truly appreciate federated spaces. ;^)

Ed Wiebe

@kev It’s interesting to consider that you’ve lumped 41+ together. There are a few more people over 40 than between 20 and forty. And about the same again under 20.


@kev 41+ gang get out and stretch. the arthritis is setting in


@kev My answer to this question will change in 49 hours.


@kev Very interesting skew indeed 📊


@kev surprised but not surprised 😉 Maybe another poll with some higher ages? 🙄

@kev I am pratically a literal child over here XD
Leon Paternoster

@kev oof, that’s a low + age to put in at the end 🤣

národní prase
@kev wow that's surprising results. It must be skewed by your peer bubble methinks..
Theta Sigma

@kev the question is, is this unusual? Just under half the world’s population is going to be over the age of 40. Probably about a quarter are going to be under 20, but you also wouldn’t expect the vast majority of that age group to be on social media. So, I suppose the only stand out data here is the relatively disproportionate number of people in the 21-30 category.

Although, from my memory, that’s fairly similar to Twitter and Facebook.

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