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Kev Quirk

I've been lucky enough to make a number of friends from #blogging. This is a bit of a feel good post about how social media isn't the only way to meet new people.

Paolo Amoroso

@kev If a blog is not as popular as your the email reply inbox feels like a lonely place. But, on Mastodon, meaningful interactions can happen even with a dozen followers or two.

stfn :raspberrypi: :python:

@amoroso @kev Indeed, on Mastodon I started having meaningful interactions the moment I joined, this is where this platform shines. And also it's the only place where I had discussions about my blog's posts.

Paolo Amoroso

@stfn @kev Me too, I started getting meaningful interactions within hours of joining Mastodon.

My blog gets 50-100 views per day and my reply inbox is always empty. Even when the occasional post hits the front page of Hacker News and floods my blog with 30K views.

stfn :raspberrypi: :python:

@amoroso @kev I was wondering what's it like to have your blog post reach instant short time fame, and it sounds like there is no difference

Paolo Amoroso

@stfn @kev Here's what getting 30K views from Hacker News feels like in your inbox: crickets 😀

Kev Quirk

@amoroso i've hit the top spot of HN a few times, and every time it's crickets. Those people are invested in you as a person. or your content, so they're very unlikely to email.

I think that it's regular readers that are far more likely to make contact.


Paolo Amoroso

@kev @stfn Okay, but it takes quite a lot of regular readers to get at least a mail or two. A few hundred regular readers may not be enough.

Kev Quirk

@amoroso I wouldn't know, I don't track any stats. :)



@kev I'm IRL friends with several people that I first met in my blogs comments 15-20 years ago.

Jan-Lukas Else

@kev I think you mixed up some of the links 😅 But I totally agree with the post!

Kev Quirk

@jle don't know how I managed to do that...fixed!


@kev That is wonderful and hopefully I can get to that point.


@kev Thanks for the mention, Kev! I’ve truly enjoyed my email conversations with both yourself and everyone else I’ve reached out to—or vice versa. Blogging is a medium that promotes rich and thoughtful communication, in general but especially via email. Your analogy of sitting down for coffee is so apt, and like the physical meetup email promotes pleasant, asynchronous conversation.

Being able to relax and cogitate over this “virtual coffee” is a wonderful experience. Long live the blog.

Joel :void: :casio:

@kev I forgive you for not adding me to the list, because that's what friends do :BlobhajHeart:

Joel :void: :casio:

@kev but I am still sad to not be on your #blogroll :blobfoxcry2:

Kev Quirk

@joel we don’t really email. We mostly annoy each other on here about #Casio watches. 😂

Joel :void: :casio:

@kev I just fear that I may get lost in your inbox, but I guess that'll change now, I promise

Kev Quirk

@joel that’s not a thing that happens. I’m a zero inbox guy. 🙃

Joel :void: :casio:

@kev how was I supposed to know if you haven't made any blogs about that—Or at least your search engine doesn't show it :blobcatderpy:

Kev Quirk

@joel *ahem* click the link from 2020 *ahem*

> To be clear, I'm not one of those people that has lots of unread mail. I'm a zero inbox kind of guy personally.


Joel :void: :casio:

@kev oh. So your search fetches the post content too? :blobcatderpy:

Now I feel VERY dumb, I didn't even BOTHER opening it :blobcatcry:

But hey I sent you an email, so there's that :blobfoxcomfycofe:

Kev Quirk

@joel yup, it does. The search in Kirby is very good.

Catching up on my email now, actually.


@kev this is your lived experience so, by definition, it obviously isn't wrong.

My microblogging experience doesn't equate to passing in a corridor. More like sitting in a pub and chatting shit with a group of friends.

There was a time, in the golden days, I'd spend entire evenings talking with folk on Literally hundreds of posts over the whole evening... Mostly taking the piss out of each other.

It was wonderful.

Kev Quirk

@basil to be fair, that does sound wonderful. Unfortunately I’ve never experienced anything like that n a social network, and if I tried it here, I’d just offend everyone. 😂

Garrit 🏃‍♂️👟

@kev I'm late to the party. Thanks for the shoutout!! 🙂

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