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Paolo Amoroso

@stfn @kev Me too, I started getting meaningful interactions within hours of joining Mastodon.

My blog gets 50-100 views per day and my reply inbox is always empty. Even when the occasional post hits the front page of Hacker News and floods my blog with 30K views.

stfn :raspberrypi: :python:

@amoroso @kev I was wondering what's it like to have your blog post reach instant short time fame, and it sounds like there is no difference

Paolo Amoroso

@stfn @kev Here's what getting 30K views from Hacker News feels like in your inbox: crickets 😀

Kev Quirk

@amoroso i've hit the top spot of HN a few times, and every time it's crickets. Those people are invested in you as a person. or your content, so they're very unlikely to email.

I think that it's regular readers that are far more likely to make contact.


Paolo Amoroso

@kev @stfn Okay, but it takes quite a lot of regular readers to get at least a mail or two. A few hundred regular readers may not be enough.

Kev Quirk

@amoroso I wouldn't know, I don't track any stats. :)


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