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4 posts total
Marc Hedlund

This is such bullshit. Safety decreases as speed increases, and viewing safety as only applying to people inside the car is the worst carbrained thinking there is. Just no.

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@marcprecipice Dark PR frame number 2, “bad is good”, cf @grantennis book


@marcprecipice and safety decreases exponentially with speed - rather important for pedestrians and cyclists who are unlikely to damage a vehicle by running into it at high speed.

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@marcprecipice it heartens me to see I'm not the only person with this opinion.

Marc Hedlund

When Musk took over Twitter I set two tests that would cause me to leave: if abuse of underrepresented groups went up significantly and if Trump was reinstated. Both of those occurred within a week so I quit. There were a lot of things I loved about Twitter but the decision wasn’t hard for me and literally every development since has validated it. Having trigger conditions is a very helpful model. Anyway fuck that guy and the sink he rode in on.

Donald Ball

@marcprecipice I deeply appreciate the technique of establishing boundary conditions for oneself when venturing into unknown territory. It helps avoid the apocryphal frogs in slowly boiling water phenomenon.


@marcprecipice yes that was good idea. My trigger was when it became clear his acquisition would finally close. I deleted account and never looked back just like I did Facebook in 2016

Benjamin Fry

@marcprecipice I didn’t set a hard and fast rule, but what you listed are the same reasons I left.

Marc Hedlund

“A second car wasn’t in their budget. Despite being convinced that she was ‘not a bike person,’ she began testing e-bikes. Eventually, a lightbulb turned on when her e-bike-owning friend told her she wasn’t buying an expensive bike. It was a cheap car."

Mark Ingalls :pdx_badge:

@marcprecipice I happily tell my neighbors that by switching to e-bike I turned my one car garage into a three car garage with plenty of room for storage.

Marc Hedlund

Wow, I love this 2023 map of European sleeper train routes, done in a subway-map style. Gotta catch 'em all. Source: /cc @lmc @jkottke

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J Cortade 🚲⚡

@marcprecipice @lmc @jkottke Spain used to have many 30 years ago, but not anymore sadly.


@marcprecipice @lmc @jkottke Now I'm tempted to think of a reason for every place where there's no night train connection. Southern border of CH: There's ghosts! You can't drive there by night!

Clockwork ☃️✒️

@marcprecipice @lmc @jkottke

Very useful, thank you! Found a sleeper that might get me from Warsaw to Italy this summer! 🤩

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