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Marc Hedlund

When Musk took over Twitter I set two tests that would cause me to leave: if abuse of underrepresented groups went up significantly and if Trump was reinstated. Both of those occurred within a week so I quit. There were a lot of things I loved about Twitter but the decision wasn’t hard for me and literally every development since has validated it. Having trigger conditions is a very helpful model. Anyway fuck that guy and the sink he rode in on.

Donald Ball

@marcprecipice I deeply appreciate the technique of establishing boundary conditions for oneself when venturing into unknown territory. It helps avoid the apocryphal frogs in slowly boiling water phenomenon.

Marc Hedlund

@donaldball yup. My friend @mcfunley introduced me to this idea a while back and it's helped a lot.


@marcprecipice yes that was good idea. My trigger was when it became clear his acquisition would finally close. I deleted account and never looked back just like I did Facebook in 2016

Benjamin Fry

@marcprecipice I didn’t set a hard and fast rule, but what you listed are the same reasons I left.

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