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Marc Hedlund

This is such bullshit. Safety decreases as speed increases, and viewing safety as only applying to people inside the car is the worst carbrained thinking there is. Just no.

Henrik Kramselund - kramse

@marcprecipice hard Agree

If you don't know your car and start overtaking, then fucking don't in the first place.

Joby (chaotic good)

@marcprecipice Meanwhile, here in real life, Hertz is selling off a bunch of their EVs because customers can't stop crashing them. Quite possibly because they're just too damn fast.

Frank Heijkamp

@joby @marcprecipice Driving fast is easy, just step on the paddle and you go fast. To drive safely is a whole different story, it involves driving skills and the ability to anticipate situations ahead of time.


@marcprecipice the fawning coverage is really what’s more disgusting. We know corporations are going to spout BS.

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@marcprecipice Yep. All the coverage of Scott Weiner's bill to mandate speed limiters in California gets flooded with car-brainers saying "But what if I need to accelerate to get out of a bad situation???" NO YOU DON'T.

Elias Probst

@jef sounds a bit like the "the only thing that stands against a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun" argument


@marcprecipice Dark PR frame number 2, “bad is good”, cf @grantennis book


@marcprecipice and safety decreases exponentially with speed - rather important for pedestrians and cyclists who are unlikely to damage a vehicle by running into it at high speed.

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@marcprecipice it heartens me to see I'm not the only person with this opinion.

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