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Marc Hedlund

Wow, I love this 2023 map of European sleeper train routes, done in a subway-map style. Gotta catch 'em all. Source: /cc @lmc @jkottke


@marcprecipice I hadn't zoomed in on this when I saw it before, but I guess I've been on most of the overnight sleeper trains in Romania, back in the 90s.


@marcprecipice it mostly was. I lived in Transylvania for a year in between my first and last year of library school when my then-husband was teaching political science. He wasn't so busy that we didn't get to travel around a lot.

J Cortade 🚲⚡

@marcprecipice @lmc @jkottke Spain used to have many 30 years ago, but not anymore sadly.


@marcprecipice @lmc @jkottke Now I'm tempted to think of a reason for every place where there's no night train connection. Southern border of CH: There's ghosts! You can't drive there by night!

Clockwork ☃️✒️

@marcprecipice @lmc @jkottke

Very useful, thank you! Found a sleeper that might get me from Warsaw to Italy this summer! 🤩

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