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84 posts total
Iron Bug

A self-promotion post. Just to remind about one of my personal projects: #osdev_notes available here: a complete guide on how to write an #operatingsystem system from scratch in C. It covers all the steps from the boot to the userspace (and beyond) passing through file-system, scheduling, memory etc.
They are totally free. They are also available as a printed book on lulu: #programming #osdev #kernel #assembly #selfpublishing

A self-promotion post. Just to remind about one of my personal projects: #osdev_notes available here: a complete guide on how to write an #operatingsystem system from scratch in C. It covers all the steps from the boot to the userspace (and beyond) passing through file-system, scheduling, memory etc.
They are totally free. They are also available as a printed book on lulu:

Iron Bug

Вижу новости, что в Берлине пациента вылечили от ВИЧ, а в Африке успешно испытали лекарство от вируса с эффективностью 100%. Неужели человечество побеждает эту болезнь?

Врачи клиники «Шарите» в Берлине выпустили пресс-релиз о клиническом случае полного излечения человека от ВИЧ. Это редкий, хотя и не уникальный случай: обычно вирус интегрируется в геном и, даже если никак себя не проявляет, может находиться в таком состоянии в организме человека долгие годы. Если человек при этом прекращает принимать антиретровирусные препараты, вирус может вернуться. В случае же «берлинского пациента» речь идет о полном выздоровлении с полным удалением вируса из организма, без возможности реактивации.

Вижу новости, что в Берлине пациента вылечили от ВИЧ, а в Африке успешно испытали лекарство от вируса с эффективностью 100%. Неужели человечество побеждает эту болезнь?

Врачи клиники «Шарите» в Берлине выпустили пресс-релиз о клиническом случае полного излечения человека от ВИЧ. Это редкий, хотя и не уникальный случай: обычно вирус интегрируется в геном и, даже если никак себя не проявляет, может находиться в таком состоянии в организме человека долгие годы. Если человек при этом прекращает принимать...

Iron Bug
in English (the original article is in English too):
a specially designed traps can mark data for further detection of using the data in AI training.
despite I hate pyton, but the implementation of the algorithm can be rewritten in normal languages and it can also be used in copyleft protection against AI. this may be a tool to fight it down. informapirata :privacypride: 2024-07-25 22:09:12
Un nuovo strumento per i titolari di copyright può mostrare se il loro lavoro è nei dati di addestramento dell'intelligenza artificiale

Le trappole del copyright sono state utilizzate nel corso della storia, ma ora potrebbero rivelarsi uno strumento in una delle più grandi battaglie nell'ambito dell'intelligenza artificiale.


never liked copyright, actually. but suddenly it can be a leverage that can help to fight against AI.
it may sound weird, but if copyright and copyleft holders unite and attack AI scrappers together that could work out.

I guess designing a special anti-ai license could help. and protecting data with generating unique markers for futher sues against voilators of the license agreements.

#down with ai #traps #anti ai
in English (the original article is in English too):
a specially designed traps can mark data for further detection of using the data in AI training.
despite I hate pyton, but the implementation of the algorithm can be rewritten in normal languages and it can also be used in copyleft protection against AI. this may be a tool to fight it down.
Lo Illetterato Lettore

@iron_bug @aitech @informapirata C'è una sola soluzione: bandire il copyright o ridurne drasticamente la durata.
Inoltre, a mio modo di vedere, le AI vengono "allenate" su materiale protetto così come un qualsiasi umano farebbe. Se voglio imparare a dipingere, prenderò a esempio quadri di altri pittori. Idem per ogni altra arte. Questa battaglia contro le AI é una battaglia basata sulla paura, paura di rendersi conto che il concetto di arte é cambiato per sempre ed é a disposizione di tutti.

Iron Bug

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source
The United States remains reluctant to work with open source, but European countries are bolder.

Iron Bug

Обновлён бесплатный курс по администрированию PostgreSQL

Компания Postgres Professional выпустила обновлённый базовый курс DBA-1 по администрированию свободно распространяемой СУБД PostgreSQL. Материал доступен для самостоятельного изучения на сайте, а также в авторизованных учебных центрах.

Основные изменения:

- Добавлена информация про версии PostgreSQL 14, 15 и 16.
- Заменены четыре темы раздела «Управление доступом», по которым в дальнейшем появится отдельный подробный курс;
- Частично изменена структура: изложение стало более логичным и последовательным;
- Физическая и логическая репликации теперь рассматриваются в отдельных темах.
- Исправлены недочёты в изложении, ошибки в скриптах демонстраций и практических заданий.


Обновлён бесплатный курс по администрированию PostgreSQL

Компания Postgres Professional выпустила обновлённый базовый курс DBA-1 по администрированию свободно распространяемой СУБД PostgreSQL. Материал доступен для самостоятельного изучения на сайте, а также в авторизованных учебных центрах.

Основные изменения:

Iron Bug
yes, and I'm very thoughtful. I never got into stupid hype or anti-scientific cultists-like BS. I'm very thoughtful anf serious like hell, all the time. hardware and software developer must be thoughtful like nobody else. and what I see is this madness that plagued the world lately should be stopped. all that fascistm with cancelling somebody and so on.

development is development. it is not about silly kids that missed biology lessons at school or think it's some kind of game. it's not about writing idiotic senseless claims in COCs. it's a hard work and it needs cool head, education and experience. I do it for many years, and I sure know what it is like. if people mean software, not stupid hype, if they want all OSS not going to total hell, they should return back to common sense and sanity, stop playing clowns and do the global code review of the piles of BS that spread instead of software nowadays and make it suckless and just working. it's a lot of work. really a lot. like cleaning up of Augean stables, for the sake of sanity and goodness. but only if they really mean to make working software, not playing in tolerance with idiots and pretending everything is all right when the code goes to hell and distributions enshittificate themselves with shitpacks of all kinds and containers because nobody can even normally build software, not mentioning writing it from scratch. I see all the BS in open source and I'm very thoughtful and concerned with the future of OSS. playing with stupid hype definitely ruins the quality. and software is not something that can work "somehow", leak and glitch. it's either perfect or none. that's why I stand against enshittification and turning development into some kind of a circus.
yes, and I'm very thoughtful. I never got into stupid hype or anti-scientific cultists-like BS. I'm very thoughtful anf serious like hell, all the time. hardware and software developer must be thoughtful like nobody else. and what I see is this madness that plagued the world lately should be stopped. all that fascistm with cancelling somebody and so on.
Iron Bug

I've just updated the list of (exclusively) #libre services the OER Foundation (for whom I work) makes available to educators, learners, governments, and the general public: It's a substantial number of very powerful services, and they're *very* cost effective to run.

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

I've just updated the 'Software Development Forge' section of the post to reflect our disillusionment with the 'Community Edition' of Gitlab, and the inevitable diminishing priority its devs are putting on adding/improving functionality for community users. Seems their owners are prepping for acquisition, which throws the whole proposition into doubt. Luckily, there's a more ethically aligned option: Forgejo - - as a precaution, I've been running one for the past year.

Iron Bug

Visited lately?

All the retro PC drivers, no BS.

- Drivers for sound cards, video cards, storage, networking, game controllers, and more!

- Also in SSL-free, HTML 2.0 flavour for your ancient browsers:

- Preservation-minded? Grab a snapshot!

Tell your friends! :)

Iron Bug

Remember kids:

IRC is free.
IRC is a open standard.
You can run your own IRC server.
IRC doesn't collect data on you and sell it.
You can still moderate your channels via invite, voice, and ban modes.
You can run a server on a 486.
IRC doesn't try to up sell you on "nitro".
IRC doesn't need to make money to make some VC happy.

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Vale@kujike.nai but irc doesn't have paid emoji reactions either ​:akkoconfused:​ :xmpp:

@miah the same holds for #xmpp. Plus 1:1 chats and voice/video calls :)

Iron Bug
I would also add:
IRC does not trash its protocol with new shiny useless features every week. and you don't need to install new versions at light speed. it's consistent and it just works.
Iron Bug

Indirector - новая микроархитектурная атака, затрагивающая CPU Intel Raptor Lake и Alder Lake

Исследователи из Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Диего представили новый метод атаки на микроархитектурные структуры процессоров Intel, применимый среди прочего к CPU на базе микроархитектур Raptor Lake и Alder Lake. Атака, которая получила кодовое имя Indirector, позволяет добиться изменения хода спекулятивного выполнения инструкций в других процессах и на других уровнях привилегий (например в ядре или другой виртуальной машине), выполняемых в одном потоке CPU с кодом атакующего. В качестве демонстрации работы метода подготовлен прототип эксплоита, позволяющий определить раскладку адресов памяти для обхода механизма защиты ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization). Кроме того, под лицензией MIT опубликован инструментарий, разработанный для анализа и обратного инжиниринга микроархитектурной логики CPU.

Предложено два метода организации атаки. Первый способ основан на искажении содержимого буфера предсказания косвенных переходов IBP (Indirect Branch Predictor), используемого для предсказания косвенных переходов в условиях, когда адрес или смещение для перехода ещё не известны и вычисляются в инструкциях, предшествующих инструкции перехода. Второй метод затрагивает буфер предсказания переходов BTB (Branch Target Buffer), содержащий информацию о недавних переходах.

Выявленные уязвимости дают возможность атакующему определить содержимое записей в буферах IBP и BTB, содержащие адреса переходов, используемые в сторонних процессах, а также осуществить подстановку произвольного адреса перехода в таблицы данных буферов. В итоге атакующий может добиться перенаправления потока выполнения стороннего процесса на желаемый адрес в памяти в ходе спекулятивного выполнения инструкций. После определения ошибочного прогноза результат спекулятивного выполнения отбросится, но адреса и данные, считанные из памяти в процессе спекулятивного выполнения инструкций, осядут в кэше и их можно будет извлечь, воспользовавшись одним из способов определения содержимого кэша на основе анализа изменения времени доступа к прокэшированным и не прокэшированным данным. Определение точных адресов косвенных переходов на практике, например, можно использовать для обхода механизма защиты ASLR.


Indirector - новая микроархитектурная атака, затрагивающая CPU Intel Raptor Lake и Alder Lake

Исследователи из Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Диего представили новый метод атаки на микроархитектурные структуры процессоров Intel, применимый среди прочего к CPU на базе микроархитектур Raptor Lake и Alder Lake. Атака, которая получила кодовое имя Indirector,
Iron Bug

⚠ Restart required for sshd after upgrading to 9.8_p1 on Alpine Linux Edge. Failing to restart will prevent sshd from accepting new connections.


#0 lighttpd fan
@alpinelinux i'm glad i read this before i updated my headless machine

The patched version (p.7_p1-r4) on 3.20 need it too?


@alpinelinux I didn't even manage to restart, after binary update ssh connection just stalled, terminating it of course led to inability to connect. so only powercycle.

Iron Bug

OpenSSH sshd on musl-based systems is not vulnerable to RCE via CVE-2024-6387 (regreSSHion).

This is because we do not use localtime in log timestamps and do not use dynamic allocation (because it could fail under memory pressure) for printf formatting.

While the sshd bug is UB (AS-unsafe syslog call from signal context), very deliberate decisions we made for other good reasons reduced the potential impact to deadlock taking a lock.

Iron Bug

This is bonkers. Some pharmaceutical crystals can no longer be synthesised because they now spontaneously change to a more stable (but less medically efficacious) form. The more stable form acts as a seed crystal for the less stable form, and once this happens it creates a cascading effect, in which people who have ever worked with the stable form can contaminate an entire factory/lab and make it unable to reproduce the earlier form.

Edit: Yes, like Ice-Bloody-9. Enough!

This is bonkers. Some pharmaceutical crystals can no longer be synthesised because they now spontaneously change to a more stable (but less medically efficacious) form. The more stable form acts as a seed crystal for the less stable form, and once this happens it creates a cascading effect, in which people who have ever worked with the stable form can contaminate an entire factory/lab and make it unable to reproduce the earlier form.

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Riley S. Faelan

@ephemeromorph Needs to be worked into magic systems.

Toilet full of bugs

Muting this thread because people keep mentioning Ice-Nine. It's IN the bloody article! You couldn't be arsed to read more than the summary before getting desperate to tell me that you know a nerdy thing.

Iron Bug

“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow.”

- Kurt Vonnegut, in his letter to students at New York's Xavier High School in 2006 #art

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Juggling With Eggs


Whenever I’m feeling down or scared by the world, I look to Vonnegut for words that are if not comforting at least insightful…and I come away most of the time with a grin and my field of view expanded.



If you find yourself in Indianapolis, visit his library!

Iron Bug

The irony is not lost on me that the Internet Archive went out of its way to acquire the physical versions of millions of books and loan them out carefully and in a limited way, and is facing a near-extinction-level event over it, while for-profit and VC-backed companies are just stealing people’s content and making up excuses to validate the bad behavior.

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Prastowo Yustinus Not problem, use Anna archive instead, stop use internet archive for reading books because site admin and team will remove stuff if received message from stingy companies who want to destroy old stuff for profit.

Dan O'Neill

@ernie back in the early 2000's paid for physical CD's, made digital copies available to stream, but only if you could prove via a sophisticated hashing algorithm that you had your own physical copy at your end. The security of the "lending" didn't matter, it was the copying and subsequent distribution.

One has to lobby Congress to change Copyright law. Is Lawrence Lessig writing anything about IA's position?

Rob McKenna

@ernie but they are making profits silly! Delivering value for shareholders! Totally different to providing a useful service for not money.

Iron Bug
Ivan's blog

- Discrete logic IC CPU

Since I was a kid I’ve always wanted to build my own computer. First I had only vague ideas of how computers are made, then I got myself a book about building an 8080-based computer and programming it, later, of course, I’ve got a lot of experience with various computers and microcontrollers, but I’ve never built one from scratch. Now, when I’m 30, I can say I have fulfilled my childhood dream.

- Building a new discrete logic ALU

After a long delay I have continued my discrete logic computer project. Last time I had a working system, but the ALU was based on two ROM chips, which wasn’t nice. It’s time to change that. The ALU # The ALU is asynchronous, it takes two 8-bit values, a carry flag and an operation code as an input and produces an 8-bit result and 4 flags. It can also set the output to High-Z state and flip the inputs.

- Discrete logic chips VGA video card

The next step in my discrete logic computer project after designing a CPU and building a new ALU is to build a video card. Here’s what it can do: Video card parameters # I chose to implement a 80x30 text mode with 4 bit color (like in EGA) because of the address space limitations (only up to 216 bytes can be addressed by my CPU, video buffer should not take a significant part of that).

- Ethernet transceiver

My discrete computer lacks two major things: sound and network. The project I describe here is the first step to making it capable of network communication. I don’t touch the computer itself now, but instead build a transceiver which converts a 10BASE-T Ethernet signal to SPI and back. I use an STM32 MCU to test my transceiver for now. In the future I plan to connect the transceiver to the discrete computer.

- Discrete logic network card

This post is a continuation of my journey to build a complete computer system using discrete logic components. At this point I have made a computer capable of running network applications like an HTTP server or a LAN game. Last year I built a physical level adapter which converts a 10BASE-T Ethernet signal to SPI and back. Back then I used an STM32 microcontroller to test its operation, now I’m implementing a MAC layer module to connect it to my homebrew computer.

Ivan's blog

- Discrete logic IC CPU

Since I was a kid I’ve always wanted to build my own computer. First I had only vague ideas of how computers are made, then I got myself a book about building an 8080-based computer and programming it, later, of course, I’ve got a lot of experience with various computers and microcontrollers, but I’ve never built one from scratch. Now, when I’m 30, I can say I have fulfilled my childhood dream.
Iron Bug
напомнило детство. мы тогда паяли самодельные компьютеры на базе микросхем KT.
сейчас, конечно, микросхем гораздо больше и есть, где развернуться.
Iron Bug
One-neutron transfer can beat nuclear fusion in output, here's proof

Neutron transfer has always fascinated scientists, but this time it shocked them. They found that one-neutron stripping can produce output similar to nuclear fusion, one of the most powerful nuclear reactions known to mankind.
One-neutron transfer can beat nuclear fusion in output, here's proof

Neutron transfer has always fascinated scientists, but this time it shocked them. They found that one-neutron stripping can produce output similar to nuclear fusion, one of the most powerful nuclear reactions known to mankind.
Iron Bug

Аналитический центр CASE сделал исследование релокантов из РФ и предложил ЕС упростить прием эмигрантов из России и стимулировать отток из России и квалифицированных специалистов и денег непричастного к войне российского бизнеса


@sitnik_ru пока в ЕС сдвинуться, пройдет десять лет

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