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Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

I've just updated the list of (exclusively) #libre services the OER Foundation (for whom I work) makes available to educators, learners, governments, and the general public: It's a substantial number of very powerful services, and they're *very* cost effective to run.

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

@yala that's by design :) - you have to be logged into it to set up short-links. There's nothing there for non-admins to see... I appreciate your interest, however!

jon ⚝

@lightweight Still, an impressive recollection of tools and a good example to also show the financial effort to provide them. Much more appreciated!

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

@yala thanks - it's been very eye opening for me, too, given how many people are dead-set against self-hosting, usually claiming that it's not worth the trouble. It's *totally* worth the trouble (which is far less troublesome than most people assert). The cost profile is #libre software's best-kept secret. It's almost unbelievable, except that I can prove it's the real deal.

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

@yala and I should note that I run at least 30 additional services for myself or for communities for whom I do volunteer system administration. I'll write those up at some point, too.

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

I've just updated the 'Software Development Forge' section of the post to reflect our disillusionment with the 'Community Edition' of Gitlab, and the inevitable diminishing priority its devs are putting on adding/improving functionality for community users. Seems their owners are prepping for acquisition, which throws the whole proposition into doubt. Luckily, there's a more ethically aligned option: Forgejo - - as a precaution, I've been running one for the past year.

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

Assessment of Forgejo? It's superb.

I expect we'll migrate to it imminently. Going #libre means we *have options*. No lock-in.

Dave Lane (FOSSDLE)

I should also point out that, if you want to support people 'doing the right thing' by #libre software, the good folks at Codeberg - - (a full-service alternative to Github or Gitlab) have built their platform on Forgejo, and they (and their users) are providing much of the resource funding the platform's continual development.

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