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87 posts total
Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Amid all the talks of the alleged "de-dollarisation" of the world economy, I must say one thing.

When AliExpress starts processing its sales in yuan, then I'll believe in de-dollarisation. Then and only then.

If such a large economy doesn't trust its own currency even for selling panties and cheap smartphones, it does mean something.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Is there even such a thing as FOSS apps for iOS? ๐Ÿค”

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

My first impressions of iPhone were of how limiting it was and how expensive its apps were.

Sound is okay, though. Too bad I can't benefit from it much, seeing how you need to jump through hoops to install your own ringtones.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I wouldn't turn down an iPad though. :) It has something Android won't have for a foreseeable future: Scrivener. ๐Ÿ˜†

On the second thought, you probably can't pair an iOS device to an ordinary BT keyboard.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Too bad that, by the time I remembered to record, I was almost sober again. ๐Ÿ˜†

Only started on it this Monday, so it's really far from... anything.

Guess what is it? :)

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

I have an admission to make.

I have not skated since the start of COVID.

This has occurred to me when I was going through the shoes cabinet and saw the box with my skates. I suddenly realised that it's been three years since the last time I set my foot on the rink.

And the worst thing? I think I've gotten used to it.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Sorry for staying silent in the recent weeks. I am alive and relatively well. :) Trying to get myself together while being snowed in with work.

Please don't go anywhere. :)

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Sometimes I wish to board a plane, and then for it to crash, so I could die without guilt and from the element that I love.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Old cat now refuses to eat treats from the bowl. At this time he demands that I feed them off my palm. Otherwise he rejects all treats, even those that used to be his favourite (so in the end everything gets eaten by the young cats).

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Hey, Biden. If I'm not your enemy, then why are you killing my cat by stopping supply of his veterinary diet food & medicine? Also, why are you trying to kill me by ordering aircraft manufacturers to completely stop any type of servicing and spare parts supply for civil aviation?

If you're not an enemy, why are you acting like one?

Although who am I asking. He's just reading stuff off a piece of paper without understanding a word.

(Okay, you can kill me all you want, but leave the cat alone.)

Adamas Nemesis

@SeventhMagpie I'm not saying other countries are necessarily better, but this is a really big predilection people in positions of power and privilege have in the United States: they can literally try to murder you and then when you're not grateful for that treatment they act like you committed some kind of grave offense against decorum, all the while trying to gaslight you (in the most incompetent fashion imaginable) into believing they meant you no harm.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

When I turned 18 (which was in the 90-ies) my father gave me a new computer for my birthday.

It was an actual tower computer, it was my second and I was not tech savvy then. So I called one of those small "anykey" computer firms to plug everything where it belonged and move stuff from my old one.

The next day a young man came, quickly assembled everything, I paid the fee.

And then I naively offered him a cup of tea and a piece of cake that was left over from the day before.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

The guy went pale, mumbled something about being very busy, and left so fast like his ass was on fire. He even forgot his neat screwdriver on my table.

Since I was an honest young woman, I called his firm and politely told another man who picked the phone, that their serviceman has forgotten a screwdriver at my place.

They promised to tell him to come back and pick it up.

And guess what? I still have it.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Russian Junior Championships of Figure Skating has started with boys, and so far they look ready to fight tooth and nail. Not only they all have 3A, but land it as well (so far, only one couldn't).

SP have not ended yet, but I can already see that tomorrow it will be very hot on ice.

#Junior #FigureSkating

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Also, seeing Arthur Gachinsky as a coach is even more weird than seeing Denis Leushin as one.

God, I feel like I'm two hundred years old. ๐Ÿ˜†

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Ah, not all. Timofei Stolyarenko did 2A. But then, he's only 14 and, as far as I've understood, he's learning 3A now.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

Red wine by Golubitskoe winery is... so-so. They make great rosรฉ from Pinot Noir. Yet, I think, it's a third time I've bought red (Merlot this time), and it's mediocre at best.

I wish I chose something Italian instead. Friday is only four times a month, after all. ๐Ÿ˜†

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

In my office there's a man whose voice and manner of speaking matches the way I imagine one of my main characters speak.

So every time I write dialogue for this character, I re-read it in my head in this colleague's voice to see if it sounds natural.


Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

And Italy seems to insist on disappointing me yet again.

International Piano Festival of Brescia has cancelled the concert of Denis Matsuev.

The orgs cite letters from the mayors of the cities of Brescia and Bergamo, who, in their turn, are obeying the demand from the Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy to cancel the concerts.

What can I say? Fuck you, Italy. You don't deserve Matsuev.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

My old cat is getting worse. He keeps losing weight little by little, and I can only hope that the sore on his face doesn't progress.

The vet advises against switching food due to his old age and allergies (which lead to the sore). However, I have not been able to feed him his usual dry food since August. I've been searching for a replacement that won't make things worse, but with little success.

Not only he's fragile, but also rather cranky. :(

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

My last but one friend in Moscow and the favourite of them all has left the country yesterday.

Initially we got acquainted through his wife, with whom, in her turn, I got acquainted through V. It's often like this with me, I happen to make better friends with men. :)

I'm genuinely happy for him and his family. He's a physicist, and it would be a real shame to waste the talent and all the hard work.

Still. Each time one of them leaves, it takes a huge chunk out of the hope I still might have.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

It's a shame we couldn't meet in November, when I was in Moscow for figure skating competitions. Their oldest kid was down with flu or something, and I had little time. We then agreed to maybe meet somewhere in late spring.

Now we probably won't see each other ever again.

Who could've known.

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

It's January 28, and I still can't get "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" off the repeat, and champagne out of my kitchen.

(Okay, technically it's sparkling wine. I can't afford real French Champagne.)

Alexandra Soroca ๐ŸŽน

If Thomas Bach was burning alive in front of me, I would not move a finger to help this enormous hypocrite.

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