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87 posts total
Alexandra Soroca 🎹

I want to eat something.

Mind you, I'm not hungry. It's just... eh... you know how it sometimes is in the relationship with your fridge at night. 😆

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Предупреждаю сразу: может быть сладко, может быть нескрепно, может быть мало и редко обновляться. Отсутствие предубеждений разного рода облегчит жизнь.

This is a page where I'm going to post small fiction (no longer than 500 words, I suppose), including possible responses to Mastodon weekly challenges. It's Russian only at the moment, but I'm contemplating using English as well, either in translations or maybe as a primary language in some cases. We'll see how it goes.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

@Curator Sorry to bother you, but there's a question. :)

I know that we have an .ART WriteFreely instance. Can it be used for posting small fiction, and if yes, should it be English only, other languages are allowed, too?

(I've written fiction in English before. However, I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back to it just yet.)

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

@SeventhMagpie Yes, and any language is fine! Would you like an invite? ^.^

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Can't play #piano at the moment because my right pinky has not healed yet, and I need it for octaves & chords , and the way it is now it's painful).

So I went back to #writing. And even finished a small piece. 🤣

Recently I've discovered that not only drabbles (100 word short stories), but also dribbles (50 words) and trabbles (300 words) existed.

I've known about drabbles since early 2000, they were popular in my fandom. However, the rest of it is new to me.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Anyway, I especially liked the concept of a trabble. Not too small, not too long. Exactly my capability these days. 😆

There's some challenge in making it 300 words long. Even though I believe there's some allowance for wordcount (not 300, but 300-ish), I've always made it a point to write exactly the number required in the particular microfiction format. :)

I'm pondering if I should translate these short pieces (I plan on writing more, of course) into English.

@SeventhMagpie А выкладываешь куда-нибудь? Дай почитать :)
Alexandra Soroca 🎹

I have a feeling that people have stopped seeing my posts and only see me when I communicate with them directly. 🤔

Probably just a feeling.

Boba [.ART mod]

@SeventhMagpie there's no shadowbanning on here if that's what you mean

@SeventhMagpie Maybe the network just got bigger with recent Twitter exodus so everyone is less visible in all the noise.
Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Sometimes temperature outside is so comfortable, that you have to check twice if you might have accidentally come out naked.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

I have hurt myself on Piazzolla.

Kids, never skip warmup. Never ever. It will come back to bite you on the ass.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

The best thing I like about iPhone atm is its Shortcuts app. If you're inside the Apple ecosystem, it can basically do anything. Very convenient, especially automation. I really want something like that on Android. :)

Alexandra Soroca 🎹 is blocking access from Russian IPs.

For the context: it's an inspirational quotes site. Just a collection of quotes, nothing more.

I wonder what they think they are achieving by this.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

You know... I don't mean any offense to anyone, but sometimes I feel too normal for Fediverse. 🤔

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

I will be skipping #WritingWonders in July, somehow I don't feel like doing it this month.

What I'd like to do, though, are some prompts for short-ish fiction (flash, drabble etc.)

GaH Learner

I've just learned about #50WordFriday which I find interesting and perhaps want to play along from time to time.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

My Midpoint is not in the middle and more like somewhere at 2/3, where the 2-nd Pinch Point is supposed to be (and which happens rather soon after Not-So-Mid-Point).

I need to somehow allow myself to just let it be the way it naturally came to this, or else I'll stay stuck.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Still can't get Scrivener to run under Wine 8.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

30. Do you have a playlist for your book or MCs that you'd like to share?

I used to have a playlist, but last year Spotify purged all accounts which belonged to Russian users, so now it is gone. Eventually I was able to pirate the missing songs and recreate it in Musicolet (that's an Android offline player I highly recommend, btw) for my own inspiration. However, I obviously can't really share it except as a screenshot?

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

29. How would you feel if your book got banned?

It already is, and it's not even finished yet. The MC is bisexual, and books with LGBT characters fall under the new edition of the "gay propaganda" law. So there.

It is extremely disappointing for me. I write it with love and harm no one, while the law preemptively treats it as a crime. It won't stop me from writing, of course (although no syncing unencrypted stuff anywhere). However, it's all very sad.


Alexandra Soroca 🎹

28. If your MC could live anywhere in our world, where would they choose?

I think he would agree to live anywhere as long as he gets to keep things the way they had been before the evil author came and took everything away, mua-ha-ha! A favourite job, a supporting wife, a lovely daughter and a lover on the side. Yes, his life was pretty good, wouldn't you say? :)

P.S.: Okay, the author didn't take away his job. Not that evil. :)


Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Looks like #PixelFed Instagram import doesn't work quite yet. I should've waited for a month at least. :)

I only got six (out of 71) random images at random order, three more are blank and there's no way to clear and re-import (the archive is recognised as having already been processed). Broken encoding in non-Latin descriptions is such a minor nuisance at this point. 😆

The good thing is that it has pulled in the last image I posted on Instagram back in 2019. I think I'll just delete the rest.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Using online decoder to decipher the descriptions, I found out that those are not three more blank images, but three failed versions of the images that have been imported.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

Mordashov's super yacht is heading here again.

At least, now it's summer and her southern crew won't be dying from cold like last March.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

26. Does your book pass the Bechdel Test?

At this point I can’t say for sure, since the book is not finished yet. It has a significant female cast, after all, even if half of them appear in a traditional role of a teacher (but then, it’s about sports, which assumes the existence of coaches).

Frankly, I don’t believe in using Bechdel test as a way to differentiate between the better and the lesser. It was meant to highlight a problem, not put a label on a work of fiction.


🌛🦋Amelia Kayne🦋🌜

@SeventhMagpie Absolutely. It's not a good measure of the quality of a story or the story's characters.

Alexandra Soroca 🎹

25. Do you have any characters over 50 in your book?

Sure. There are six of them: four with dialogues & two more are referred to, but don't appear. All are women.

The most active one is the FFSR head, who is 60. She appears in multiple scenes. There's also the Porsche boy's mother, who is 52. Another one is an ex-Soviet skater, currently an established coach working in Canada, aged 58. Another coach of similar station is ~57-60. The last one is the MC's former coach, who is 69


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