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28 posts total
LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Help me, Gamers, I'm losing my marbles here.

Noah Gervais claims that Team Arena was the DLC to Q3 that added CTF to the game, but I remember there being a team CTF mode in the base, vanilla version of Q3???

Am I wrong or???

@Deiru I love how they translated "будь здоровь" as "be healthy". Probably should be "bless you" on english, but it's funny because reminds me how I used to answer like this.
LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Теперь у России будет свой Homo Sexual Underground.

Прямо как в Диско Элизиуме.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Гомо Сексуальное Подполье

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Periodic reminder that Russia's idea of competing with US consists of searching for awfull shit US haven't done yet and beating US to it

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Oh, America wants to be extremely queerphobic and kill the gays?

We'll do it first.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Rare moment of Robot Affirmation, Moscow citizens are trying to push a Yandex Delivery bot out of the snow.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Skibidi toilet is actually an incredible piece of allegory for the modern internet that's as hopeful as it is impossibly cringe worthy.

Григорий Клюшников

Безвкусные, но с предвкушением того, что голова перестанет болеть часа через полтора

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Evidence consistent with what Russian channels report.


LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

I'm learning new and new interesting things about Transgender ban.

Apparently our Ministry of Health, in response to the new law, openly stated that this will lead to increased suicide rates in the population.

Our lawmakers? Brilliant reaction: "If we are to agree with their conclusion, then we must not pass this law."

Other Duma member insisted that MoH should not suggest any amendments to the law.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Russian propaganda is incredibly unhinged.

Apparently state sponsored a podcast about Ukrainian war.

The topic of the first episode was about how the author of the podcast explained invasion to her children: "It's to make sure that boys can marry girls and that kids can speak Russian" and I'm sitting here, completely unaware that Ukraine apparently was about to ban heterosexual marriage in Russia before we invaded.


@Deiru this does not sound unlike the radio shows of fascists here either

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Deiru I've tuned this state propaganda shit out long ago in the interest of my own sanity. I know, it's worse for my situational awareness, but it's just too much of fucking insane for me to handle.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

You can easily tell that most of the measures taken against Russian Oligarchs are incredibly two-faced, because western officials (i.e. Joebama himself) always say that they're going to "investigate" them for their crimes and "seize ill-begotten gain", but if it wasn't for the invasion, nobody would do it. They just... didn't care. At all.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Do not get me wrong, I love seeing those fuckers part with their wealth, built upon and stolen from common worker, but the fact remains that all the hyped up talk about justice and punishment is just that: It's talk. They want to punish Russia financially and economically through damaging the wealthy elites, but they don't give two flying fucks if the gains were "ill gotten" or not.

It's just not something US would ever care about.

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