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LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

You can easily tell that most of the measures taken against Russian Oligarchs are incredibly two-faced, because western officials (i.e. Joebama himself) always say that they're going to "investigate" them for their crimes and "seize ill-begotten gain", but if it wasn't for the invasion, nobody would do it. They just... didn't care. At all.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

Do not get me wrong, I love seeing those fuckers part with their wealth, built upon and stolen from common worker, but the fact remains that all the hyped up talk about justice and punishment is just that: It's talk. They want to punish Russia financially and economically through damaging the wealthy elites, but they don't give two flying fucks if the gains were "ill gotten" or not.

It's just not something US would ever care about.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

If they really cared, they would have seized the wealth from themselves too.

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