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56 posts total

A funny bit of trivia from the GPL's wikipedia page: Area Man Violates Own License


A question for open source licensing nerds out there: has anyone ever been taken to court over a GPL violation for anything other than the requirements involving the mere availability of source code?


@aeva Funny bit of trivia: that isn't actually violation. The GPL only requires to make the source code available, and only to those you distributed binaries to. It does not require you distribute it with the binaries nor publicly post it somewhere.

They'd only be in violation if someone downloaded the binary and requested the source and it was refused.


what does "SO" mean

Anonymous poll


Significant Other
Shared Object
Stack Overflow
it's just the word "so" but louder
187 people voted.
Voting ended 24 Mar 2023 at 1:41.
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I Forget

@aeva One more option, because two might be the loneliest number since the number one, but three's either a charm or a crowd, and both sound great!:

Sergio Bonfiglio

@aeva Disappointed at how low Stack Overflow is.

Lots of coders in denial


lol Tax Heaven 3000 is on itch now after being removed from steam

Kinky Kobolds

@aeva Either this game is a high-effort shitpost or one of the most clever phishing schemes I've encountered in a while.


anything cool happen today, GDC or otherwise?


If I had a smart watch I'd be like "hold on let me check my swatch" all the time. However, I cannot stand to have anything on my wrists, so you will just have to pretend.

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@aeva remember internet time, wish that was actually a thing

Mauve ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’œ

@aeva Hear me out. Smart pocket watch on a chain which you keep in your front pocket.


You could have a temporary tattoo. Its almost like not wearing a watch. Better yet, noone seems to have pocket swatches.


I'm attempting to build MuseScore for the purpose of preventing it from emitting midi program change events. However building MuseScore from source means that actually right now I am just waiting for the QT Online Installer for Windows to download and install QT 5.15.2 before I can do anything else.

Ho boy I have never had a piece of software make me to agree to the terms and conditions of the general public license version 3 so hard what the actual fuck.


Somehow The Qt Company is managing to rake in 34.3 million eurobucks a year by threatening to hunt down and brutally dismember GPL violators though, so I guess their methods work.


@aeva For open-source, I recommend using to download/install it


@aeva I think Qt handles this really poorly. On Linux, I was able to install it through my package manager without an account, and spent a while developing a program. I have yet to hear of anyone successfully build it on Windows, despite multiple attempts, all due to the Qt installer. I have since abandoned development because of this.


why is it that audio software all looks like this

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Steve Canon

@aeva in a parallel universe, audio software won the interface wars and now all UIs look like this.


I made some speculative fan art for the realy neat game my friend @clinkscales is prototyping right now :3

(disclaimer: the significant creative liberties taken by my silly lunch time drawing may differ wildly from the actual game's themes, characters, art, and gameplay)


Remember that google ai thing that turned everything into fucked up psychedelic fractal dogs? I want a pair of AR glasses that does that.

You put on the dog glasses and look at your friend. She starts talking, but all you see is cacophony of technicolor dogs opening their little mouths, revealing even more dogs.

I don't want a search engine that writes tons of pointless email, I want dog glasses.

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@aeva YES I remember that. And I went looking for it again but now it's not google and just a paid service.

I wish someone else would start that again - that was my favorite form of AI art to play with - altering existing images into psychedelic ones


@aeva literally day 1 ar glasses thing for me to build would be a pixel art filter for reality. Where are the damn glasses already


Do I know anyone who's used Cinder? I am in need of opinions and general information.

EDIT: The C++ library for creative coding.


Amiga was a good name for a computer. It makes two important things clear:

1. computer is girl

2. computer is friend

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@aeva it would be better if it weren't LIES

(sorry, am in a "going to go live off-grid in the forest" game dev mood)


I love geometry processing diagrams. Here's a picture from www dot cgal dot org of David Michelangelo being bool'd many times with a prefab shipping container, a normal thing to want to do.

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@aeva To be fair it's a good way to illiterate that, they are two very different forms with a lot of texture.

Rodion Borisov

Doing things with boolean is almost always fun! :rickhey:


Confused by Linux? I made this handy dandy chart to help clear up the confusion!

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Reminds me of the fediverse/mastodon terminology issues.

Right now *most* human peoples who don't think a mastodon is a big hairy elephant think it's a social network. Just one. And ALL of us are on it now. Yes even the freaks on misskey, pixelfed, digimon and diglet et al.

We need to take care in choosing the right battle at the right time. Language will expand as more people connect to the fediverse.

(sometimes I call the fediverse "the main network with mastodon and more")

Edward Clayton Andrews

As someone who's been using various Linux flavours for years, there is no error here.


now ChatGPT seems really impressive and all but you have to remember that you can be tricked into thinking a rock has feelings by drawing a cute face on it

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@aeva someone in my IRC channel was totally gushing about it and how โ€œcreativeโ€[sic!] it is yesternight and did not want to be educated


@aeva look at us, we're all like geologists now: excited by dumb rocks ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


i think books would be better if you could download mods for them, like skyrim

Robin Metcalfe ๐Ÿช

@aeva Tried that, my book ended up looking like a more realistic tree

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