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16 posts total

Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in prison. But he only served 9 months due to a sympathetic judiciary and massive public outcry from his political supporters. If that sounds uncomfortably familiar, it should.

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lord pthenq1

"Hitler fue condenado a 5 años de prisión. Pero sólo cumplió nueve meses debido a la simpatía de un poder judicial y a la protesta pública masiva de sus partidarios políticos. Si esto le resulta incómodamente familiar, debería serlo."

Bernd Paysan R.I.P Natenom 🕯️

@shoq And that was not just some missbooking of hush money for a porn star, that was an attempted coup, people died, leftists doing the same thing would have been executed. So more like January 6th.


@shoq @patmadigan Trump has many more indictments to go. Our Court system should get those trials over with before the election. Trump is a convicted criminal and liar, but is he the most corrupt American who ever lived? America needs to know.


Bingo. Technical diversity and innovation will flourish when multiple models coexist, if not fully interoperate. It shouldn’t matter model what the business (or non business) model is. Not every innovation has to be a major money maker—or make money at all. Many makers are still content to just have a successful product. It doesn’t have to launch a billion dollar enterprise to bring society a value.

Source: @J12t

Bingo. Technical diversity and innovation will flourish when multiple models coexist, if not fully interoperate. It shouldn’t matter model what the business (or non business) model is. Not every innovation has to be a major money maker—or make money at all. Many makers are still content to just have a successful product. It doesn’t have to launch a billion dollar enterprise to bring society a value.


In the last 20 years, I’ve read only one mostly fair and balanced unpacking of the fundamentals behind the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It was this one, by Max Fisher. It’s 8 years old, but still mostly current.

I urge everyone, especially you GenZs who are new to this ongoing tragedy to read it. It’s important to know what’s real, what’s myth, and what’s complete bullshit. Dare I say it? “On both sides.”

“The 11 biggest myths about Israel-Palestine”

In the last 20 years, I’ve read only one mostly fair and balanced unpacking of the fundamentals behind the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It was this one, by Max Fisher. It’s 8 years old, but still mostly current.

I urge everyone, especially you GenZs who are new to this ongoing tragedy to read it. It’s important to know what’s real, what’s myth, and what’s complete bullshit. Dare I say it? “On both sides.”

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@shoq today is a good day to start to learn real history. Thanks for this 🙏 but it’s hard still to know the sources this writer used and how true. I’ll read the links, and dig deeper.

Steven Zekowski

@shoq @jgkoomey
For anyone interested in digging deeper into myths, this short book is free to download: Ten Myths About Israel. It’s well referenced, lots of citations, and written by an Israeli historian Ilan Pappé (currently at U of Exeter I think). I’m about 2/3 done. It’s very enlightening. You’ll get a somewhat different view from Fisher’s, eg, chapter 4 dispels the myth “Zionism is not Colonialism”.

@shoq @jgkoomey
For anyone interested in digging deeper into myths, this short book is free to download: Ten Myths About Israel. It’s well referenced, lots of citations, and written by an Israeli historian Ilan Pappé (currently at U of Exeter I think). I’m about 2/3 done. It’s very enlightening. You’ll get a somewhat different view from Fisher’s, eg, chapter 4 dispels the myth “Zionism is not Colonialism”.


Here’s an example of why not having search is so awful. Last week, I recall a developer said he was a co-author of Activitypub (or maybe AP extensions), and said it could absolutely support Bluesky’s “FeedGens” concept. I can’t remember his account, and without search, my options are limited, unless I want to scroll for a few days. Might anyone know this particular dev? I want to help push for such an AP feature right now.

Richard Grant

@shoq I'm trying to train myself to hit the bookmark feature when I encounter something like this — only most of the time, how do you know?


@shoq Yeah, that's why I don't hesitate to favorite or bookmark stuff that I even think I might want to come back to on here.


I'm a bit embarrassed to say that It's been a long time since I caught up with how the @Flipboard is evolving. It's just so well done, and chock full of features and ideas I once criticized it for not having. And now that it's partly integrated with Fediverse, I am seeing all kinds of new possibilities for it. I'm allocating a lot of time next week to studying it more closely, and seeing if it can become the foundation of a really cool curation idea I've been noodling for years.

Mike McCue

@shoq @Flipboard Love hearing that, Shoq. Please let me know what you think. We're actively designing the next gen built on so suggestions are particularly helpful right now.


I knew Twitter had arrived when I found it was eating up most of my morning, just catching up. I am experiencing that now in the Fediverse. Don't be misled by naysayers. Only commercial products should be judged on their short term viability. The entire paradigm is unliked centralized social media. There are no burn rates, advertiser priorities, monetization conundrums, or VC impatience to contend with. So stay the course. This is the model for the future of humanity's ability to communicate.



A year out, when the Fediverse is everywhere among business, government, family, school and friends, will you always be comfortable with things like: 1) contacting and discussing personal matters, 2) reaching out to agencies for help, or 3) yammering about a weird interest or hobby in front of your entire social graph of followers? Or will you prolly do what many on Twitter did: use another account just for things you don't want to over-share with your main social network?

Anonymous poll


I'd want a less-public account for ONLY this.
I'd want a less-public account for MANY reasons.
Meh. No-issue. I have no secrets—from anyone!
34 people voted.
Voting ended 19 Mar 2023 at 20:55.

I was kinda hoping this question would get people's interest. It's a very important one for several reasons, so please boost it for your friends to answer, as well?


This is a bigger issue than many contemplate at this early stage of fedi evolution. Twitter, Facebook and Tiktok were never going to be the default communications network for the planet. But the fediverse may well become that. And sooner than later. I'm trying to get a jump on some of the downstream issues that I think are inevitable.


We are at most, a few months away from apps with content and sharing mechanisms just not possible on Twitter or other centralized, closed-source platforms. That's when the momentum will really start to build for Activitypub and other protocols supporting federated networks. We have stop talking about it being a twitter "alternative" and start talking about is as an evolutionary step forward in global social networking. Because that's what it is.

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@shoq I know very, very little about these matters. A very simple user of modern tech. But even I can feel that this is right. It's funny. The baddies thought that destroying Alderaan (twitter) was the end of it but the resistance has atomized.


@shoq I don't disagree, but that means some kind of "alternative" to the "Alternative to twitter" use case needs to start being broadcast. Something pithy that folks can grasp (read: tech journalism can't casually malign due to status quo relationships and more general audiences can wrap their heads around with a de minimus of effort).

Not impossible, but I'd argue still not facile.


@shoq What do you mean by sharing mechanisms?


@Gargron I saw this posted a batrillion times. Is there no spam cop for this kinda stuff in the masto core yet, or was this novel?

Eugen Rochko

@shoq Actually, I did implement a spam detection thingie, but it is focused on a kind of specific, different case

Automated spam counter-measures is an area of Mastodon development where I'd be really happy to get help


This app can only post everything I post to both services. Would others welcome a tool that could do it selectively? So it only crossposts the items you specify as you post?


@shoq I was able to selectively apply it under the advanced options


So as I just noticed, user profiles will embed, like most media. Any other special content cases I should know about?

Eugen Rochko

@shoq Mastodon shows previews for any links supporting either OpenGraph tags or OEmbed, except OEmbed of the "rich" type


Good mornings, MastoSocialites. Are there any user stats for this server, telling me how many of us come from where. I never want to be anywhere with too many of my fellow Americans. We're all either insane or depressed these days. (As you may have heard.(

Eugen Rochko

@shoq There's no "country" field in Mastodon so there's no stats on this. Best I could do is calculate % of selected interface languages


Hey all, I am interested in finding ways and means to attract more of "good twitter" to the Fediverse. Not only because of the fear of hostile takeover there, but also, well…just because it's just time.

Masto felt like the best thing to explore first. Please ask your friends who might be interested in that ambition to follow me so I can harvest their insights and ideas? TIA


Good morning. Trying to survey the whole system and understand what might bring more folks from Twitter.

Never having followers on a new social network is always a problem. It was hard to keep folks interested in twitter's first year.


This is my 3rd toot. I was here back in the days, but I date myself (no one else will).

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