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Here’s an example of why not having search is so awful. Last week, I recall a developer said he was a co-author of Activitypub (or maybe AP extensions), and said it could absolutely support Bluesky’s “FeedGens” concept. I can’t remember his account, and without search, my options are limited, unless I want to scroll for a few days. Might anyone know this particular dev? I want to help push for such an AP feature right now.


@timbray @evan
LOL I tagged him, then untagged him, because twice now, I have accidentally committed a fedi faux pas by not first researching people I was assuming might be associated. (In both cases, they hated each other :)

Richard Grant

@shoq I'm trying to train myself to hit the bookmark feature when I encounter something like this — only most of the time, how do you know?


@shoq Yeah, that's why I don't hesitate to favorite or bookmark stuff that I even think I might want to come back to on here.


@Theblueone But I have lots of bookmarks too. Wothout folder hierarchies, I find them as useless as the proverbial teats on bull.

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