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9 posts total
Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

β€œHonestly, it’s probably just easier that way.”

The last page of Frankenstein, but with an added paragraph where the monster says he just prefer preferred to be called Frankenstein.
Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

I have $1,000 in my wallet. My friend has $5. I pressure him into giving me a dollar so I can donate it to charity.

This is exactly how those appeals to donate the change at cash registers work.

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@drmaddkap police man "Why you got so much cash? Give it to me so I can charge it with a drug crime and keep it."

Jeffrey Rogers 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@drmaddkap I was at the Wickes store a while ago and they asked if I’d like to donate Β£1 to Ukraine.

I said sure, and take another Β£ for your Palestine appeal.

So, just Β£1 then, of course.

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

keming: (n) what happens to words when your font has poor kerning

A Halloween decoration that is supposed to read, trick-or-treat, but instead appears to read fuck or treat
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Chris Bohn

@drmaddkap Imagine my disappointment 40ish years ago when I found my dad's tape labeled "5 MINUTE FLICK"

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? πŸ¦‘

@drmaddkap Somewhere is a group of ppl who genuinely cannot see the word "Fuck". Or any other dirty word. And keep approving design choices like that.

"Frick or Treat" is the parent approved version...

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

Where do the bad rainbows go?


They get a light sentence.

It gives them time to reflect.

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

Americans really will use anything but the metric system.

A highway sign that reads "Virginia 3 milfs 4 minutes"
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William Fonseca 🌲🌲

@drmaddkap In EUA I have 1,65 Cat balls, 500 Moons round around the earth, 2 pencils and 1 thumbs my weight is ΒΌ of a dry cow

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

Threat Assessment

You have the world's lamest superpower. While other people were gifted with flight, laser vision, and magic, you got "threat assessment". At least that's what you call it. It's not like you're going to tell anybody else about it.

You're a unique power is the ability to see how dangerous someone is. This knowledge appears, only to you, as a number floating over their heads.

Look at a baby, you'll see a one. An average adult, a three. A Marine? Usually a five or a six. (1/).

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

This power hasn't helped you at all in your white collar job at a minor chemical manufacturing facility in the Midwest.

Until today, when you saw your first nine.

At first, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. A nine? Was something wrong with your power? Especially considering who it was.

Today is the day that the your CEO was meeting with the CEO of Gotham Power. How could Bruce Wayne be a nine? Sure he had money and power, and that usually raised someone's score, but a nine? (2/)

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

Americans will really do anything to avoid using the metric system.

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Probably Paul 🌍

@drmaddkap Yeesh, laid end-to-end that's about 18 otters.


@drmaddkap I don't understand the unit, surely 22 penguins is about the size of one seal?

I guess it depends which species you're talking about though, and how old they are.

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

WOW. Elon Musk just took a swipe at Mastodon, calling it "Masterbatedon" and making fun of the people here.

A man who just spent $44 BILLION USD is afraid of this service. And he should be. There's no way he can make money off of it.

This is how we take back the internet and our lives, my friends.

tillian told depression to die


pls show me I want to see it with my own eyes

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