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Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

Americans really will use anything but the metric system.

A highway sign that reads "Virginia 3 milfs 4 minutes"
Max Leibman

@drmaddkap Iโ€™ve never been to Virginia, but Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™re underselling it.


@drmaddkap The mile is a formal unit, not like some of their media insanities. I have used chains and rods, but our politicians get a bit excited if we try to use poles.

Missouri uses a slightly different foot for land surveying.


@drmaddkap @LizWhoFan Now wondering which 3 MILFs are between that sign and Virginia.

Beefy Goblin

@drmaddkap just 3 milfs in the entire state? I'm going to just keep driving.

Mel Mel! 3 miles in 4 minutes means ~75 miles an hour which is scary fast


@drmaddkap reading this I just wanted to follow you but now I don't want to spoil this ๐Ÿ‘€

account has 666 followers
Stuart Celarier

@drmaddkap I think I'd better pick up some Red Bull.

Ed Mechem

@drmaddkap I think those milfs deserve more than 80 seconds each. ๐Ÿ™„

Shallow Water


I know this is about the spelling mistake, but there is a serious side.

True story: the US Congress passed a law for us to move to the metric system in 1977, giving businesses 25 years to comply.

As 1992 approached, business lobbied Congress to revoke it. They did so, stupidly.

So now you still have to have two sets of tools to work on cars, among other things.

JW prince of CPH

@ShallowWater @drmaddkap Also, with US/imperial units you can't infer measures from each other, and thus have to remember them by rote & can't easily check if you remember correctly. May sound like no biggie - and obviously you can learn to work perfectly fine with it - but it does add friction to something that, to many people, is already difficult & unintuitive.

Cargo Weasel (General)

@jwcph @ShallowWater @drmaddkap a mars lander crashed on mars because of imperial vs metric

Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist

@cargo @jwcph @ShallowWater Very true. Which makes the case quite nicely that all science should be done in metric.

William Fonseca ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ

@drmaddkap In EUA I have 1,65 Cat balls, 500 Moons round around the earth, 2 pencils and 1 thumbs my weight is ยผ of a dry cow

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