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208 posts total

Can anyone who has a Flipper help me pls? I just got mine and its mood is just OK, any way to make it happier? Sorry I’m new to all this…


Outside temperature dropped below 24°C.

Gain a speed buff equal to 15% of your base speed and a stamina buff equal to 50% of your base stamina.


They literally stuck an SoC from a Nokia N900 into a whole ass laptop


I personally experienced said battery problem, it’s actually horrible. One day your headphones just start heating up like crazy and having listening time of 10-20 minutes instead of the 6 hours they had on the previous day, and at that point there’s nothing you can do to save them.

Also, the “lifetime warranty” mentioned in the second half of the video is very clever and I like it but you should never do this to companies you respect. On an unrelated note, fuck Sony.

I personally experienced said battery problem, it’s actually horrible. One day your headphones just start heating up like crazy and having listening time of 10-20 minutes instead of the 6 hours they had on the previous day, and at that point there’s nothing you can do to save them.


> started listening to snowcrash (the audiobook)
> the words “and his address in the metaverse” made me feel whiplash stronger than from a pizza delivery car crashing into the side of an empty swimming pool


Всего-то полтора килобакса за робот-пылесос с тыкалкой и без пылесоса


Окей, оно умеет само двери открывать (в плане умным дверям подавать команду открытия, рук у нее нет), это уже чуть более прикольно


If there’s Shibuya-kei, Harajuku-kei, and other subcultures named after Tokyo districts, then where my Бутово-фонк and Люберпанк fans at???


Mfw when I’m in the “Making the target audience for my memes as small as possible by requiring knowledge of English, Japanese culture, and Russian culture at the same time” competition and my rival is Astra


one thing I miss about Moscow is the delivery culture

like, you could just select the “leave at the door, don’t ring the doorbell” option and it will actually be honored

both in Tel Aviv and in Tokyo I’ve been repeatedly woken up (I have a weird sleep schedule) because a courier insisted on handing the package off to me personally, even though my name was written on the door and it’s in a video-monitored building, so it’s not like it’s likely to be stolen or misplaced or something.



and like, why even have the option for leaving the package at the door in the app if your courriers aren’t instructed to actually follow it? if I knew which deliveries will require attention in advance I’d at least schedule them to a convenient time, but currently it’s just random chance of being woken up in the middle of my sleep (and probably not being able to fall asleep again)



hey google, what the actual fuck???

those all are consecutive responses to the query "tell me something cringe" from the google assistant. they were not cherry-picked in any way, I've sent the query 8 times and those are all 8 of the responses.


Up until today I thought that eggnog was just a raw egg in a cup

It makes way more sense now but it’s also way more boring than I thought it was

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