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208 posts total

i love how literally everyone named Astra on here is currently discussing the new google thing lol


Who stole the color depth from this dress?? Literally looks like it’s a gameboy display or something


Can’t wait to play 💅SLAY💅THE👸PRINCESS👸

Heard that this is a very nice and cool game about 🤩SLAYING✨ and having a good time in general, yassss queen!


At this point I’ve made so many “Bar” puns that it’s getting old even for me, and that’s a hell of a sign tbh, I’m usually the last one to get tired of any puns

Context: the city I’m currently in is literally called “Bar”


@astrr getting tired of puns? that’s a low bar tbh

i’ll see myself out


Hey guess what, we have yet more evidence that governments can and do spy on your chats etc through push notifications! This was pretty obvious previously, but now it’s even clearer

Once again a reason to use alternatives where possible, like (which is FOSS and can be self-hosted, and is already supported by multiple matrix clients, for example) or other UnifiedPush-compatible services


FYI there’s another Spectre-like vulnerability, this time in apple silicon, affecting all recent iPhones and M-series Macs. It is very hard to detect and can steal your credentials, emails, etc. The easiest way to mitigate it is to enable lockdown mode, which you can do in Privacy & Security settings. Luckily it hasn’t been exploited in the wild yet (as far as we know, at least)


holy shit I love planning trips so much aaaaaaaa

I literally can’t sleep cause my brain keeps thinking of things to do when I meet my friends there


After pretty much giving up on reading any Flipper-related news because of their exaggeration and straight up misinformation on what is and isn’t possible this text feels like a breath of fresh air

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