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12 posts total
Daniel Gultsch

We are finally going to upgrade our #ejabberd running on, tomorrow, Saturday May 25th.

Unfortunately we won’t be able to do this without some down times throughout the day.

You can visit for a simple up/down check or follow this thread for the occasional status update / progress report.

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@daniel Could we get an eta, or at least a progress report? I'm currently cut off from everyone. To only have notice on mastodon a day before is pretty shit tbh. I'm already having a hell of a time keeping people on xmpp, this is not helping.

@daniel darn it now I can't share absol paws :(
Andrzej Czerniak 🇵🇱:linux:

@daniel in the future please send a message a few days before to all users about planned downtime 😉


Daniel Gultsch

#Conversations_im has just surpassed 250,000 installs on Google Play. 🥳

The official, publicly visible, install badges are handed out for 100k and 500k. Growth has been very linear over the last ten years so stay tuned for the next big milestone in 2034! 😜

Daniel Gultsch

Seems like #Cheogram went the route of just pretending they upload the contact list to satisfy Google Play requirements.¹

I get why they are doing this. I've contemplated doing this myself but I’m absolutely not convinced that pretending your app is worse than it is is the right strategy here. Especially because the overwhelming majority of our users are not following us on social media and thus don’t have the context for why we would do this.



@daniel perhaps you can get away with wording like "the contact list gets uploaded only if you press the upload contact list button", and have such a button, permanently disabled?

Daniel Gultsch

I hastily threw together a version of #Conversations_im that has no address book integration and doesn’t ask for Contacts permission.
This seems to have made it through Google Play review just now meaning the app is now available on Google Play again.

No indication from Google that they were in the wrong and hallucinated the whole "uploads contact list" thing. Instead I had to walk the path of least resistance and remove the useful and entirely harmless feature of address book integration.

Eduard Toloza

@daniel I have some contacts at Google, I will try to reach them and see if they can help.


@daniel sucks it has to be this way, but at least you have found a solution!

Daniel Gultsch

Being able to do proper message replies (including jumping to the original message) was one of the primary reasons for starting the work on Conversations 3.0
I’m glad it’s working now.


@daniel Woho! This and reactions will be <3

Daniel Gultsch

I mentioned before that Conversations 3 will use Dynamic Colors (Material You). Here are two screenshots of how this will look in the chat screen.

Daniel Gultsch

I will stop maintaining and running the Conversations Compliance Tester¹.

The Compliance Tester was originally a small command line tool used to verify the configuration of your XMPP server. A GSoC project turned it into a web service that quite frankly is becoming a burden to run.

The architecture is fine considering it was written by a student; but not great.

At a time where most XMPP server have very sane default configurations it has outlived it's usefulness.


I will stop maintaining and running the Conversations Compliance Tester¹.

The Compliance Tester was originally a small command line tool used to verify the configuration of your XMPP server. A GSoC project turned it into a web service that quite frankly is becoming a burden to run.

The architecture is fine considering it was written by a student; but not great.


@daniel Thanks for that tool it helped a lot to get a xmpp server running with sane extensions and config.

Daniel Gultsch

In light of recent events I've started to reconsider which companies and services I want to trust and rely upon.

Over the coming days I’m going to make some changes to the Conversations development infrastructure.

· F-Droid will become a more prominent way to download and install Conversations
· Translations are moving from Transifex to Weblate¹

In addition to that I’m going to reconsider what role Github will be playing in the future.


In light of recent events I've started to reconsider which companies and services I want to trust and rely upon.

Over the coming days I’m going to make some changes to the Conversations development infrastructure.

· F-Droid will become a more prominent way to download and install Conversations
· Translations are moving from Transifex to Weblate¹

Daniel Gultsch

Just in case you are spending the next couple of days with people who are not on #XMPP yet and have some time on your hands. 😊

Conversations is currently available for free on the Google PlayStore.

Daniel Gultsch

Any sufficiently complex JSON protocol will eventually implement features people dislike about XML. #JMAP has namespaces and XPath.

I’m told JSON schemas are a thing too.

Guus der Kinderen

@daniel JSON schemas are exactly as much fun as you expect them to be. #askMeHowIKnow

Daniel Gultsch

Conversations 2.11 will ship the largest protocol update in years. Traditionally it takes 6-7 round trips (not including TLS) to fully establish an #XMPP connection.
Thanks to the work @mattj and I have been doing over the last two months we can bring this down to just one.
This can significantly improve the reliability on flaky or throttled connections.

@prosodyim has community modules for the required server extensions (Bind 2, SASL 2, FAST)

Conversations 2.11 will ship the largest protocol update in years. Traditionally it takes 6-7 round trips (not including TLS) to fully establish an #XMPP connection.
Thanks to the work @mattj and I have been doing over the last two months we can bring this down to just one.
This can significantly improve the reliability on flaky or throttled connections.

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@daniel @mattj @prosodyim It's great to hear you're so committed to improving not just your own app, but the XMPP standard as a whole.


@daniel @mattj @prosodyim do you plan to integrate Atinspam features into Conversations in the near future?

BoosterFive 🚀

@daniel @mattj @prosodyim that's great! Thanks for continuing to support the best mobile xmpp client out there on any platform!

Daniel Gultsch

If you were wondering how well #XMPP works on mobile devices: The XMPP-based MoyaApp has 6.5M users in South Afrika 🇿🇦.

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@daniel is it open to discuss with jabber network or it is a closed network using #xmpp as backend?

0 (shadowbanned)


> They also found that, at the time, there was a widespread view that “apps steal your money so don’t put apps on your phone.” People did not realise the apps were being updated to make them more efficient, but they just saw it as their data being stolen.

They're not half wrong, though. 🤡

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