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Daniel Gultsch

Good news and bad news.
#Conversations_im 2.17.0 has support for emoji reactions πŸŽ‰
Since @Codeberg appears to be under constant DDoS attacks they have added pretty strict rate limits that the @fdroidorg build server keeps running into. 😞
Another build cycle just failed and it's unclear when 2.17.0 will be available on F-Droid.
Maybe Codeberg and F-Droid can back channel an allow list or something? πŸ™

A chat bubble in the Conversations app with the message 'hi all. I'm trying to take a screenshot for Mastodon. Can I get some reactions on this message?!' and a bunch of reactions to said message.

@daniel @Codeberg @fdroidorg Nice work Daniel !! i have the playstore version installed :)

Hippo πŸ‰

@daniel @Codeberg @fdroidorg that's great news (about the reactions)! Will push everyone to upgrade once F-droid gets sorted out πŸ˜‰οΈ


πŸ‘ hopefully you'll resolve these issues soon and we'll have a fresh new release available πŸ™‚
@Codeberg @fdroidorg

@daniel Sorry for the inconvenience! We did mention here that we haven't changed any of our rate limits in response to the recent outages yet, so we find this kind of weird:

(Regardless: @fdroidorg, feel free to get in touch with us so that we can work things out!) ~n

Daniel Gultsch

@Codeberg Sorry this wasn’t meant to be an accusation. I’ve been a very happy member for almost two years and will continue to be.

Build log says HTTP Response code 429. That’s literally all I know.

But if it's not intentional that’s even more reason for you and @fdroidorg to get in touch.

@daniel @fdroidorg You're fine! I didn't mean to come across as defensive either, I just wanted to provide some more context (that this wasn't an abnormally overzealous ratelimit - which seemed to be your assumption and would've been my assumption too). ~n

P.S. Nope, definitely not intentional :)

@daniel It makes me happy to hear that you're a happy member as well, thank you! ~n


@Codeberg @daniel I think grote and hc already answered to one of you other posts.

But yeah, we'd love to get this out of the way.

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