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22 posts total
ko 🦊🌸

this is how fox's access the internet btw. just in case you didn't know

fox handpuppet at a keyboard, looking at a comparatively big monitor in front of it
view from behind the puppet, showing the screen. a textmode window titled "GAY IDIOT'S ACCESS TERMINAL" is onscreen, with a keymashed username entered. fake remote login text follows
Zorin =^o.o^=

@koko I still love how Xenia just came out of hibernation like... TWO DECADES after she was originally drawn and everyone loves her now :)

ko 🦊🌸

finally. year of the linux desktop

HPLIP Manual Install - Select your Linux Distribution: -Windows - Mac OS X
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valquiria ⛧ :windows: :Gaysper_Enby: :Gaysper:

@koko aw hell yeah, my favourite Linux distro, GNU/Microsoft Windows


@koko reactos or some custom userland on top of darwin?

Mattias Schlenker

@koko At least all those printers with Android and iOS support (across all manufacturers) provide a standardized PCL6 subset. There driverless printing works quite nice.

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Kevin Karhan :verified:

@koko this is a made-up #Shitpost, isn't it?

Please tell me that's done with Affinity Photo...

wobweger :verified:

oh thanks, this pulls up good memories,
after that release,
MS went down the drain
win2k was fast, small and working,
I might go wild and call it actually operating system,
maybe the only one from that vendor ever

ko 🦊🌸

Grapher recreation (2021)

seems I never really posted this anywhere after I made it


@koko you made this in what language is this like the grapher in mac does is it on web or native OpenGL, Vulcan ?

ko 🦊🌸

she sells C shell by the seashore (which she is allowed to do, because redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3) Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the software without specific prior written permission.)

she sells C shell by the seashore (which she is allowed to do, because redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other...


@koko "Regents of the University of California" is the name of my next band

ko 🦊🌸

hello. my name is Unknown Artist. you may remember me from hits such as "Track 01.wav" and "b0bcc2dce2f4ac0a.mp3"

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@koko ooh, I have soo much of your music! welcome to fedi!


@koko mpn/gachi/Cheshyre - Swamp Zombies RIGHT VERSION (Madness: Project Nexus GACHI) [KJRR1UUgs5A].webm.mp3


@koko i wonder if “the rock” will be present when this “x box” is revealed…

Heather Ballard 🍬🐉

@koko but how will this affect the ongoing console war between Sega and everyone else?

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@koko @leo The new Apple Watch beta looks cool👌🏻


@koko I usually close the Terminal window. #PSA 1. Press the Side Button
2. When the list of open apps appears, swipe to the left on the app you wish to close
3. Tap the Close App icon that appears

ko 🦊🌸

"stop replacing wikis with discord servers!" sorry, misheard you and now the manpages are a discord server. oops

a discord server called "Linux Manpages". there are 9 text channels labelled 1 through 9. the screenshot shows the beginning of channel 1, listing text files of manual pages for linux commands in the first category.
ko 🦊🌸

cool catchphrases to say to a girl:

"connection to X server lost"
"server terminated with error"
"(EE) no screens found"
"xinit: giving up"

ko 🦊🌸

in other news, eagerly awaiting an update to amdgpu to (hopefully) fix the fun suspend issue I now have. wheee :/

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Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@koko I ran that fork bomb one time 15-20 years ago because someone had it as signature. No instructions, just something that looked like shell code so I was curious and tried it. It froze the whole system almost instantly.

Lesson learned.

david :tux:

@koko im scared but im gonna do it
edit: it made my terminal show a cat, try it :3

ko 🦊🌸

Visual Studio 2019 for Windows 3.11 (2021)

thought it was weird of microsoft to do this but okay

fabricated screenshot of visual studio 2019, reconstructed using the UI elements of windows 3.x
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@koko I hate how much I absolutely love this and wish it was real.


@koko I can't even express how much I love this 😄☺️

ko 🦊🌸

CPU Candy Wrappers (2021)

now, I know what you're thinking. so before you reply: at least 100 other people have already told me what *else* they look like

render of a ryzen and core i7 CPU packaged in a wrapper similar to a cond-- I mean, a square of chocolate
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Reed Lindwurm

@koko If I draw a pentagram on this, what demons can I summon with it?


@koko Damn, this makes me wonder what the least rectangular die anyone has produced was....

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